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speaking speaking
/ 5spi:kIN /

1. [mass noun] the action of conveying information or expressing one's thoughts and feelings in spoken language
• 讲话;谈话
  the activity of delivering speeches or lectures
• 演讲
 »public speaking.
1. [attrib.] used for or engaged in speech
• 讲话的
 »you have a clear speaking voice.
  conveying meaning as though in words
• 富有深意的
 »she gave him a speaking look.
  (of a portrait) so like the subject as to seem to be alive and capable of speech
• (画像)逼真的;栩栩如生的
 »a speaking likeness.
  [in combination] able to communicate in a specified language
• 讲某种语言的
 »an English-speaking guide.
on speaking terms
1. slightly acquainted
• 泛泛之交的
2. sufficiently friendly to talk to each other
• 关系不错;友好
 »she parted from her mother barely on speaking terms.
—— speaking
1. used to indicate the degree of accuracy intended in a statement or the point of view from which it is made
• 就…来说,对…而言,…说来
 »broadly speaking, there are three major models for local-central relations.
speaking in tongues
1. another term for glossolalia
• 同 glossolalia


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