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that that
/ TAt , TEt /

(pl. those )
1. used to identify a specific person or thing observed or heard by the speaker
• [指已看到或听到的人或事]那,那个
 »that's his wife over there.
 »hello, is that Ben?
  referring to the more distant of two things near to the speaker (the other, if specified, being identified by ‘this')
• [指两个中较远的一个,与“这”、“这个”相对]那,那个
 »this is stronger than that.
2. referring to a specific thing previously mentioned, known, or understood
• [指已提到或互相明白的事情]那,那个
 »that's a good idea.
 »what are we going to do about that?
3. [often with clause] used in singling out someone or something and ascribing a distinctive feature to them
• [指特别提起的、有特色的人或事]那,那种
 »it is part of human nature to be attracted to that which is aesthetically pleasing.
 »his appearance was that of an undergrown man.
 »they care about the rights of those less privileged than themselves.
4. (informal, chiefly Brit.)expressing strong agreement with a description just given
[非正式,主英] [表赞同]就那样
 »‘He's a fussy man.’ ‘He is that.’.
5. (pl. that)[relative pronoun] used to introduce a defining clause, especially one essential to identification
• [引导限定性定语从句]那
  instead of ‘which’, ‘who’, or ‘whom’
• [替代‘which’,‘who’或‘whom’]
 »the woman that owns the place.
  instead of ‘when’ after an expression of time
• [置于表示时间的名词之后替代‘when’]
 »the year that Anna was born.
(pl. those )
1. used to identify a specific person or thing observed or heard by the speaker
• [指已看到或听到的人或事物]那,那个
 »look at that chap there.
 »how much are those brushes?
  referring to the more distant of two things near to the speaker (the other, if specified, being identified by ‘this')
• [指两者中较远的一个,与“这”、“这个”相对]那,那个
2. referring to a specific thing previously mentioned, known, or understood
• [指已提到或互相明白的东西]那,那个
 »he lived in Mysore at that time.
 »seven people died in that incident.
3. [usu. with clause] used in singling out someone or something and ascribing a distinctive feature to them
• [指特别提起的、有特色的人或事物]那,那种
 »I have always envied those people who make their own bread.
4. referring to a specific person or thing assumed as understood or familiar to the person being addressed
• [指对方明白、熟悉的人或事物]那,那个
 »where is that son of yours?
 »I let him spend all that money on me.
 »Dad got that hunted look.
1. [as submodifier] to such a degree; so
• 那样,那么
 »I wouldn't go that far.
  used with a gesture to indicate size
• (以手势比划大小)那么,那样
 »it was that big, perhaps even bigger.
  [with negative] [informal] very
[非正式] 很,非常
 »he wasn't that far away.
1. introducing a subordinate clause expressing a statement or hypothesis
• [引导表示陈述、假设的从句]…(可能)是
 »she said that she was satisfied.
 »it is possible that we have misunderstood.
  expressing a reason or cause
• [表示原因、理由]因为,由于
 »he seemed pleased that I wanted to continue.
  expressing a result
• [表示结果]以至于
 »she was so tired that she couldn't think.
  [usu. with modal] expressing a purpose, hope, or intention
• [表示目的]为了,以便
 »we pray that the coming year may be a year of peace.
 »I eat that I may live.
2. [usu. with modal] (poetic/literary)expressing a wish or regret
[诗/文] [表示希望、遗憾]真希望;竟然
 »oh that he could be restored to health.
and all that (或 and that)
1. [informal] and that sort of thing; and so on
[非正式] 以及其他一切;等等
 »other people depend on them for food and clothing and all that.
at that --› see at
like that
1. of that nature or in that manner
• 那一类的;那样地
 »we need more people like that.
 »don't talk like that.
2. [informal] with no preparation or introduction; instantly or effortlessly
[非正式] 毫无准备地;马上;不费力地
 »he can't just leave like that.
not all that ——
1. not very ——
• 不太…,不很…
 »it was not all that long ago.
that is [或that is to say]
1. a formula introducing or following an explanation or further clarification of a preceding word or words
• 那就是,即,就是说,换句话说
 »androcentric—that is to say, male-dominated—concepts.
 »He was a long-haired kid with freckles. Last time I saw him, that is.
that said
1. even so (introducing a concessive statement)
• (引导让步说法)即便如此
 »It's just a gimmick. That said, I'd love to do it.
that's it
1. 见it
that's that
1. there is nothing more to do or say about the matter
• 就这样了;不必多说了
—— that was
1. as the specified person or thing was formerly known
• 那就是原来的…
 »General Dunstaple had married Miss Hughes that was.
that will do
1. no more is needed or desirable
• 那就够了(或行了)
1. Old English thæt, nominative and accusative singular neuter of se 'the', of Germanic origin; related to Dutch dat and German das
1. 1 The word that can be omitted in standard English where it introduces a subordinate clause, as in she said (that) she was satisfiedIt can also be dropped in a relative clause where the subject of the subordinate clause is not the same as the subject of the main clause, as in the book (that) I've just writtenthe book’ and ‘I’ are two different subjects). Where the subject of the subordinate clause and the main clause are the same, use of the word that is obligatory, as in the woman that owns the placethe woman’ is the subject of both clauses).2 It is sometimes argued that, in relative clauses, that should be used for non-human references, while who should be used for human referencesa house that overlooks the park but the woman who lives next doorIn practice, while it is true to say that who is restricted to human references, the function of that is flexible. It has been used for human and non-human references since at least the 11th century. In standard English it is interchangeable with who in this context.3 Is there any difference between the use of that and which in sentences such as any book that gets children reading is worth havingand any book which gets children reading is worth havingThe general rule is that, in restrictive relative clauses, where the relative clause serves to define or restrict the reference to the particular one described, whichcould replace that. However, in non-restrictive relative clauses, where the relative clause serves only to give additional information, that cannot be usedthis book, which is set in the last century, is very popular with teenagers but not this book, that is set in the last century, is very popular with teenagers


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