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the the
/ TE /

1. denoting one or more people or things already mentioned or assumed to be common knowledge
• [指已提到或双方都知道的人或事物]这;那。
--› compare a
 »what's the matter?
 »call the doctor.
 »the phone rang.
  used to refer to a person, place, or thing that is unique
• [指独一无二的人、地、事]
 »the Queen.
 »the Mona Lisa.
 »the Nile.
  (informal or archaic)denoting a disease or affliction
[非正式或古] …疾病;…苦难
 »I've got the flu.
  (with a unit of time) the present; the current
• [与表示时间单位的词连用]当前的;现今的
 »dish of the day.
 »man of the moment.
  [informal] used instead of a possessive to refer to someone with whom the speaker or person addressed is associated
[非正式] [指代物主代词]我(们)的;你(们)的
 »I'm meeting the boss.
 »how's the family?
  used with a surname to refer to a family or married couple
• [用于姓氏前]…一家;…夫妇
 »the Johnsons were not wealthy.
  used before the surname of the chief of a Scottish or Irish clan
• [用于苏格兰或爱尔兰家庭姓氏前]…宗族;…家族
 »the O'Donoghue.
2. used to point forward to a following qualifying or defining clause or phrase
• [用于带有后置限制性修饰语的名词等前]那,那个
 »the fuss that he made of her.
 »the top of a bus.
 »I have done the best I could.
  (chiefly with rulers and family members with the same name) used after a name to qualify it
• [主要与统治者及其家族的姓名连用,置于所限定姓名之后]
 »George the Sixth.
 »Edward the Confessor.
 »Jack the Ripper.
3. used to make a generalized reference to something rather than identifying a particular instance
• [指某事物的总称]
 »he taught himself to play the violin.
 »I worry about the future.
  used with a singular noun to indicate that it represents a whole species or class
• [用于单数名词前,指一类物种或一个阶层]…类;…阶层
 »they placed the African elephant on their endangered list.
  used with an adjective to refer to those people who are of the type described
• [用于形容词前指一类人] …人;…者
 »the unemployed.
  used with an adjective to refer to something of the class or quality described
• [用于形容词前指某一抽象概念]那,那个
 »they are trying to accomplish the impossible.
  used with the name of a unit to state a rate
• [与表示计算单位的名词连用]每,每一
 »they can do 120 miles to the gallon.
 »35p in the pound.
4. enough of (a particular thing)
• 足够的
 »he hoped to publish monthly, if only he could find the money.
5. (pronounced stressing ‘the’) used to indicate that someone or something is the best known or most important of that name or type
• [the须重读]最重要(或最著名的)人(或事)
 »he was the hot young piano prospect in jazz.
6. used adverbially with comparatives to indicate how one amount or degree of something varies in relation to another
• [用于比较级前]越…越…
 » the more she thought about it, the more devastating it became.
  [一般作 all the ——] used to emphasize the amount or degree to which something is affected
• [用于强调数量、程度](由于某事)而更…
 »commodities made all the more desirable by their rarity.
1. Old English se, sēo, thæt, ultimately superseded by forms from Northumbrian and North Mercian thē, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch de, dat, and German der, die, das


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