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thread thread
/ Wred /

1. a long, thin strand of cotton, nylon, or other fibres used in sewing or weaving
• 线
  [mass noun] cotton, nylon, or other fibres spun into long, thin strands and used for sewing
• (纺成股的)线
  (threads)(informal, chiefly N. Amer.)clothes
[非正式,主北美] 衣服
2. a thing resembling a thread in length or thinness, in particular
• 线状物,线状体,尤指
  (chiefly poetic/literary)a long, thin line or piece of something
[主诗/文] 细细的一条(或一片)
 »the Thames was a thread of silver below them.
  [in sing.] something abstract or intangible, regarded as weak or fragile
• 一线,一丝
 »keeping the tenuous thread of life attached to a dying body.
  a theme or characteristic, typically forming one of several, running throughout a situation or piece of writing
• 思绪,思路;贯穿的主线
 »a common thread running through the scandals was the failure to conduct audits.
  [Computing] a group of linked messages posted on the Internet that share a common subject or theme
[计算机] (网上贴出的有共同主题的)话题,题材
  [Computing] a programming structure or process formed by linking a number of separate elements or subroutines, especially each of the tasks executed concurrently in multithreading
[计算机] 线程,线索,穿线,调度单位
3. [亦作screw thread] a helical ridge on the outside of a screw, bolt, etc. or on the inside of a cylindrical hole, to allow two parts to be screwed together
• 螺纹
verb, [with obj.]
1. pass a thread through the eye of (a needle) or through the needle and guides of (a sewing machine)
• 穿(针、线等)
  [with obj. and adverbial of direction] pass (a long, thin object or piece of material) through something and into the required position for use
• 穿妥(细长物品或材料)
 »he threaded the rope through a pulley.
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] move carefully or skilfully in and out of obstacles
• 穿过;穿行;绕行,蜿蜒
 »she threaded her way through the tables.
  interweave or intersperse as if with threads
• 使夹杂(线状物)
 »his hair had become ill-kempt and threaded with grey.
  put (beads, chunks of food, or other small objects) together or singly on a thread, chain, or skewer, which runs through the centre of each one
• 以线贯穿;以线穿成
 »Constance sat threading beads.
2. [usu. as adj. threaded] cut a screw thread in or on (a hole, screw, or other object)
• 刻螺纹于(孔、螺丝等)
hang by a thread
1. be in a highly precarious state
• 千钧一发,岌岌可危
lose the (或 one's) thread
1. be unable to follow what someone is saying or remember what one is going to say next
• (说话时)失去头绪
thread-like adjective
1. Old English thrǣd (noun), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch draad and German Draht, also to the verb throw. The verb dates from late Middle English


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