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transformation transformation
/ 7trAnsfE5meIFEn , -fC:r- /

1. a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance
• (形状、外貌方面)彻底的改变,巨变,改观
 »British society underwent a radical transformation.
  (也作 transformation scene)a sudden dramatic change of scenery on stage
• 舞台场景的突变
  a metamorphosis during the life cycle of an animal
• (动物生命周期中的)变态
  [Physics] the induced or spontaneous change of one element into another by a nuclear process
[物理] 嬗变,核的转换
  [Mathematics & Logic] a process by which one figure, expression, or function is converted into another which is equivalent in some important respect but is differently expressed or represented
[数,逻] 变换,转换
  [Linguistics] a process by which an element in the underlying logical deep structure of a sentence is converted to an element in the surface structure
[语言学] (由句子的内在逻辑深层结构向表层结构的)转换
  [mass noun] [Biology] the genetic alteration of a cell by introduction of extraneous DNA, especially by a plasmid
[生] 遗传转化
  [mass noun] [Biology] the heritable modification of a cell from its normal state to a malignant state
[生] 细胞转化
1. late Middle English: from Old French, or from late Latin transformatio(n-), from the verb transformare (see transform )


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