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warm warm
/ wC:m /

1. of or at a fairly or comfortably high temperature
• 温暖的
 »a warm September evening.
 »[as complement] I walked quickly to keep warm.
  (of clothes or coverings) made of a material that helps the body to retain heat; suitable for cold weather
• (衣服,遮盖物)保暖的;暖和的
 »a warm winter coat.
  (of a colour) containing red, yellow, or orange tones
• (颜色)暖色的
 »her fair colouring suited soft, warm shades.
  [Hunting] (of a scent or trail) fresh; strong
[猎] (气味,踪迹)新鲜的;强烈的
  (of a soil) quick to absorb heat or retaining heat
• (土壤)吸热快的;保温的
2. having, showing, or expressive of enthusiasm, affection, or kindness
• 热情的;多情的;亲切的
 »they exchanged warm, friendly smiles.
 »a warm welcome.
  (archaic)characterized by lively or heated disagreement
[古] 激烈的
 »a warm debate arose.
  (archaic)sexually explicit or titillating
[古] 色情的;情欲强烈的
3. [predic.] [informal] (especially in children's games) close to discovering something or guessing the correct answer
[非正式] (尤指儿童游戏中)快要发现的;即将猜中的
 »we're getting warmer, sir.
1. make or become warm
• 使暖和;变得暖和
 »[with obj.] I stamped my feet to warm them up.
 »the film warmed our hearts.
 »[no obj.] it's a bit chilly in here, but it'll soon warm up.
  [with obj.] [informal] spank (someone's buttocks)
[非正式] 打(某人屁股)
 »I'll warm your bum if you don't come here this instant.
1. (the warm)a warm place or area
• 暖和的地方(或地区)
 »stay in the warm, I've made up the fire for you.
  [in sing.] an act of warming something or oneself
• 取暖
 »he had a cup of tea and a warm by the kitchen range.
2. short for British warm
• British warm的简称
keep something warm for someone
1. hold or occupy a place or post until another person is ready to do so
• 代人临时占据一个地方或职位
(as) warm as toast
1. pleasantly warm
• 温暖舒适的
wrap up warm (或 be wrapped up warm)
1. put on (or have on) plenty of clothes to protect oneself against cold weather
• 穿上许多衣服保暖
warmer noun
 »[usu. in combination] a towel-warmer.
warmish adjective
warmly adverb
warmness noun
1. Old English wearm (adjective), werman, wearmian (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch and German warm, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin formus 'warm' and Greek thermos 'hot'
warm down
1. recover from strenuous physical exertion by doing gentle stretches and exercises
• (紧张的体力活动后)进行放松
warm to/towards (或美
1. begin to like (someone)
• 开始喜欢
  become more interested in or enthusiastic about (something)
• 对…更感兴趣,对…更有热情
 »she was warming to her theme.
warm up
1. prepare for physical exertion or a performance by exercising or practising gently beforehand
• 进行热身;作准备练习
 »the band were warming up.
  (of an engine or electrical appliance) reach a temperature high enough to allow it to operate efficiently
• (发动机,电器)达到有效工作温度,预热
  become livelier or more animated
• 更加活泼;更具活力
 »after several more rounds, things began to warm up in the bar.
warm something up (或美
1. reheat previously cooked food
• 把(已冷的饭、菜)重新加热,使回锅
  amuse or entertain an audience or crowd so as to make them more receptive to the main act
• 逗乐观众(使他们更容易进入欣赏主要表演的状态)


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