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bother bother
/ 5bCTE /

1. [noobj., with negative] take the trouble to do something
• 麻烦,烦心,尽力
 »scientists rarely bother with such niceties.
 »[with infinitive] the driver didn't bother to ask why.
2. [with obj.] (of a circumstance or event) worry, disturb, or upset (someone)
• (环境,事件)使焦虑,使烦恼
 »secrecy is an issue which bothers journalists.
 »[with obj.andclause] it bothered me that I hadn't done anything.
  [with obj.] [usu. with negative] feel concern about or interest in
• 关心;对…感兴趣
 »don't bother about me—I'll find my own way home.
 »he wasn't to bother himself with day-to-day things.
 »[as adj. bothered] I'm not particularly bothered about how I look.
  cause trouble or annoyance to (someone) by interrupting or otherwise inconveniencing them
• 打扰,烦扰,给(某人)添麻烦
 »I'm sorry to bother you at this time of night.
1. [mass noun] effort, trouble, or difficulty
• 努力,麻烦,困难
 »he saved me the bother of having to come up with a speech.
 »it may seem like too much bother to cook just for yourself.
 »it's no bother, it's on my way home.
  [Brit.] used to refer to serious trouble in an understated way
[英] 麻烦(指大麻烦的一种轻描淡写的说法)
 »I'm afraid there's been a bit of bother.
  (a bother)a person or thing that causes annoyance or difficulty
• 讨厌的人(或事)
 »I hope she hasn't been a bother.
1. (chiefly Brit.)used to express mild irritation or impatience
[主英] 讨厌(表达轻微的愤怒和不耐烦)
 »‘Bother!’ she muttered.
can't be bothered (to do something)
1. be unwilling to make the effort needed to do something
• 不愿找麻烦,不想出力
 »they couldn't be bothered to look it up.
hot and bothered
1. in a state of anxiety or physical discomfort, especially as a result of being pressured
• (因焦虑或身体不适而感到)心急火燎
1. late 17th cent. (as a noun in the dialect sense 'noise, chatter'): of Anglo-Irish origin; probably related to Irish bodhaire 'noise', bodhraim 'deafen, annoy'. The verb (originally dialect) meant 'confuse with noise' in the early 18th cent


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