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bound bound
/ baund /

1. [noobj., with adverbial of direction] walk or run with leaping strides
• 跳动,跳跃着前进
 »Louis came bounding down the stairs.
 »shares bounded ahead in early dealing.
  (of an object, typically a round one) rebound from a surface
• (物体,尤指圆形的)弹回,弹开,反跃
 »bullets bounded off the veranda.
1. a leaping movement upwards, typically towards or over something
• 跳跃,(尤指跃向,跃过)
 »I went up the steps in two effortless bounds.
1. early 16th cent. (as a noun): from French bond (noun), bondir (verb) 'resound', later 'rebound', from late Latin bombitare, from Latin bombus 'humming'
1. [常作 bounds] a territorial limit; a boundary
• 界限,边界
 »the ancient bounds of the forest.
  a limitation or restriction on feeling or action
• 限制,限制范围
 »it is not beyond the bounds of possibility that the issue could arise again.
 »enthusiasm to join the union knew no bounds.
  (technical)a limiting value
1. [with obj.] [一般作 be bounded] form the boundary of; enclose
• 形成界限;关,围入
 »the ground was bounded by a main road on one side and a meadow on the other.
  place within certain limits; restrict
• (边界内的)地方,限制
 »freedom of action is bounded by law.
in bounds
1. inside the part of a sports field or court in which play is conducted
• 在运动场地边线以内
out of bounds
1. (of a place) outside the limits of where one is permitted to be
• 超出界限
 »his kitchen was out of bounds to me at mealtimes.
  outside the part of a sports field or court in which play is conducted
• 在运动场地以外
  (figurative)beyond what is acceptable
[喻] 越轨,超出容忍限度
 »Paul felt that this conversation was getting out of bounds.
1. Middle English (in the senses 'landmark' and 'borderland'): from Old French bodne, from medieval Latin bodina, earlier bùtina, of unknown ultimate origin
1. going or ready to go towards somewhere
• 正在到…去的,准备到…去的
 »an express train bound for Edinburgh.
 »[incombination] the three moon-bound astronauts.
  (figurative)destined or very likely to have a specified experience
[喻] 准备就绪的
 »they were bound for disaster.
1. Middle English boun (in the sense 'ready, dressed'), from Old Norse búinn, past participle of búa 'get ready'; the final -d is euphonic, or influenced by bound
1. [incombination] restricted or confined to a specified place
• 限制在某个场所的
 »his job kept him city-bound.
  prevented from going somewhere or from operating normally by the specified conditions
• 被…所限制的,被…所束缚的
 »blizzard-bound Boston.
2. [with infinitive] certain to be or to do or have something
• 一定的,肯定会
 »there is bound to be a change of plan.
  obliged by law, circumstances, or duty to do something
• 有义务的,受约束的
 »I'm bound to do what I can to help Sam.
3. [incombination] (of a book) having a specified binding
• (书)用封面包住的,装有封面的
 »fine leather-bound books.
4. (of a grammatical element) occurring only in combination with another form
• (语法要素)黏附的
  in Chomskyan linguistics, (of a reflexive, reciprocal, or other linguistic unit) dependent for its reference on another noun phrase in the same sentence
• 依附性的(乔姆斯基语言学,反身代词、相互代词或其他语言学单位的所指要靠同一句话中的另外一个名词词组才能明确的)
bound up in
1. focusing on to the exclusion of all else
• 热衷于,献身于,沉迷于
 »she was too bound up in her own misery to care that other people were hurt.
bound up with (或 in)
1. closely connected with or related to
• 与…有密切关系的
 »democracy is bound up with a measure of economic and social equality.
I'll be bound
1. used to emphasize that one is sure of something
• 我敢肯定
 »she's hatching more little plots, I'll be bound!.
I'm bound to say
1. used to precede a statement which one feels it is one's duty to make, however unwelcome it may be to the hearer
• 我有责任说
 »I'm bound to say that I have some doubts.


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