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1equable equable
/ 5ekwEbEl , 5i:kwE- /
1. (of a person) not easily disturbed or angered; calm and even-tempered
• (人)性情温和的;镇定的
  not varying or fluctuating greatly
• 变化小的;稳定的
 »an equable climate.
equability noun
equably adverb
1. mid 17th cent. (in the sense 'fair, equitable'): from Latin aequabilis, from aequare 'make equal' (see equate )
2equal equal
/ 5i:kwEl /
1. being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value
• (在数量、大小、程度、价值方面)相等的,相同的
 »add equal amounts of water and flour.
 »1 litre is roughly equal to 1 quart.
  (of people) having the same status, rights, or opportunities
• (人)(地位、权利或机会)平等的
  uniform in application or effect; without discrimination on any grounds
• 均等的;无歧视的
 »a dedicated campaigner for equal rights.
  evenly or fairly balanced
• 均衡的;势均力敌的
 »it was hardly an equal contest.
2. [predic.] (equal to)having the ability or resources to meet (a challenge)
• 有能力迎接(挑战)的;胜任的
 »the players proved equal to the task.
1. a person or thing considered to be the same as another in status or quality
• 同等的人;相等的物;匹敌者
 »we all treat each other as equals.
 »entertainment facilities without equal in the British Isles.
(equalled, equalling; 美 equaled, equaling)
1. [with obj.] be the same as in number or amount
• 等于,(在数量上)和…相同
 »four plus six divided by two equals five.
 »the total debits should equal the total credits.
  match or rival in performance or extent
• 比得上,敌得过
 »he equalled the world record of 9.93 seconds.
  be equivalent to
• 与…相当,等同于
 »his work is concerned with why private property equals exploitation.
(the) first among equals
1. the person or thing having the highest status in a group
• 鹤立鸡群者
other (或 all) things being equal
1. provided that other factors or circumstances remain the same
• 其他因素(或条件)不变,同等条件下
 »it follows that, other things being equal, the price level will rise.
1. late Middle English: from Latin aequalis, from aequus 'even, level, equal'
1. It is widely held that adjectives such as equal and unique should not be modified and that it is incorrect to say more equal or very unique, on the grounds that these are adjectives which refer to a logical or mathematical absolute. For more discussion of this question, see usage at unique
3equalitarian equalitarian
/ I7kwClI5teEri:En /
1. another term for egalitarian
• 同 egalitarian
equalitarianism noun
4equality equality
/ i:5kwCliti /
1. [mass noun] the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities
• 相同;(尤指地位、权利的)平等,(机会)均等
 »an organization aiming to promote racial equality.
  [Mathematics] the condition of being equal in number or amount
[数] (数量的)相等
  [count noun] [Mathematics] a symbolic expression of the fact that two quantities are equal; an equation
[数] 等式
1. late Middle English: via Old French from Latin aequalitas, from aequalis (see equal )
5Equality State Equality State
1. informal name for Wyoming
• 平权州。 (Wyoming的别称)
6equalize equalize
/ 5i:kwElaiz /
(也作 -ise), verb
1. [with obj.] make the same in quantity, size, or degree throughout a place or group
• 使相等,使相同
 »the purpose is to equalize the workload among tutors.
  [no obj.] become equal to a specified or standard level
• 达到某一水平(或标准)
 »cabin pressure equalized with a hiss of air.
  make uniform in application or effect
• 使均等
 »Britain is required to equalize pension rights between men and women.
  [no obj.] level the score in a match by scoring a goal
• (比赛中)将比分拉平,打成平局
 »Morgan equalized ten minutes into the second half.
equalization noun
1. late 16th cent. (in the sense 'be equal to'): from equal + -ize, partly suggested by French égaliser
7equalizer equalizer
/ 5i:kwE7laizE /
(也作 -iser), noun
1. a thing which has an equalizing effect
• 使平等者;使相等者
 »education is the great equalizer.
  a goal that levels the score in the game
• (比赛中)拉平比分的得分
  [N. Amer. informal] a weapon, especially a gun
[北美,非正式] 武器(尤指枪)
  [Electronics] a passive network designed to modify a frequency response, especially to compensate for distortion
[电子] 均衡器;均值器;均压器
8equally equally
/ 5i:kwElI /
1. in the same manner
• 同样地,公平地
 »all children should be treated equally.
  in amounts or parts that are the same in size
• 平均地
 »the money can be divided equally between you.
2. to the same extent or degree
• 同等地;程度相同地
 »[as submodifier] follow-up discussion is equally important.
  [sentence adverb] in addition and having the same importance (used to introduce a further comment on a topic)
• [用于引出对某一话题的进一步评论]同样
 »not all who live in inner cities are poor; equally, many poor people live outside inner cities.
1. The construction equally as, as in follow-up discussion is equally as important is relatively common but is condemned on the grounds of redundancy. Either word can be used, alone, and be perfectly correct, e.g.follow-up discussion is equally important or follow-up discussion is as important
9equal opportunity equal opportunity
1. [mass noun] (也作 equal opportunities)the right to be treated without discrimination, especially on the grounds of one's sex, race, or age
• 均等机会权利
 »[as modifier] an equal opportunity policy.
10equals sign equals sign
(也作 equal sign), noun
1. the symbol =
• 等号(=)
11equal temperament equal temperament
--› see temperament(义项2)
12equanimity equanimity
/ 7i:kwE5nImIti: , 7ekwE- /
1. [mass noun] mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation
• (尤指面对困境时的)平和,镇静,泰然
 »she accepted both the good and the bad with equanimity.
equanimous adjective
1. early 17th cent. (also in the sense 'fairness, impartiality'): from Latin aequanimitas, from aequus 'equal' + animus 'mind'
13equant equant
/ i(:)5kwCnt /
1. [Astronomy, historical] (in the Ptolemaic system) an imaginary circle introduced with the purpose of reconciling the planetary movements with the hypothesis of uniform circular motion
[天文史] (托勒密体系)均轮
1. [Astronomy, historical] relating to or denoting such an imaginary circle
[天文史] (与)均轮(有关)的
2. [Geology] (of a crystal or particle) having its different diameters approximately equal, so as to be roughly cubic or spherical in shape
[地质] (晶体,微粒)等径的
1. mid 16th cent.: from Latin aequant- 'making equal', from the verb aequare
14equate equate
/ I5kweIt /
1. [with obj.] consider (one thing) to be the same as or equivalent to another
• 视…等同于
 »customers equate their name with quality.
  [no obj.] (equate to/with)(of one thing) be the same as or equivalent to (another)
• (某物)等同于(另一物)
 »that sum equates to half a million pounds today.
  cause (two or more things) to be the same in quantity or value
• 使(两个或两个以上事物)相等;使均衡
 »the level of prices will move to equate supply and demand.
equatable adjective
1. Middle English (in the sense 'make equal, balance'): from Latin aequat- 'made level or equal', from the verb aequare, from aequus (see equal ). Current senses date from the mid 19th cent
15equation equation
/ i5kweiFEn /
1. [Mathematics] a statement that the values of two mathematical expressions are equal (indicated by the sign =)
[数] 等式;方程(式)
2. [mass noun] the process of equating one thing with another
• 等同;平衡
 »the equation of science with objectivity.
  (the equation)a situation or problem in which several factors must be taken into account
• 影响综合体的因素
 »money also came into the equation.
3. [Chemistry] a symbolic representation of the changes which occur in a chemical reaction, expressed in terms of the formulae of the molecules or other species involved
[化] 反应式,化学方程式
equation of the first (或 second 等) order
1. [Mathematics] an equation involving only the first derivative, second derivative, etc.
[数] 一次(或二次等)方程
1. late Middle English: from Latin aequatio(n-), from aequare 'make equal' (see equate )
16equational equational
/ i5kweiFEnl /
1. another term for equative
• 同 equative
17equation of state equation of state
1. [Chemistry] an equation showing the relationship between the values of the pressure, volume, and temperature of a quantity of a particular substance
[化] 状态方程式
18equation of time equation of time
1. the difference between mean solar time (as shown by clocks) and apparent solar time (indicated by sundials), which varies with the time of year
• 时差
19equative equative
/ i5kweitiv /
1. [Grammar] denoting a sentence or other structure in which one term is identified with another, as in the winner is Jill
[语法] 等价的,等级的
  denoting a use of the verb to be that equates one term with another
• 等价用法的
equatively adverb
20equator equator
/ i5kweitE /
1. a line notionally drawn on the earth equidistant from the poles, dividing the earth into northern and southern hemispheres and constituting the parallel of latitude 0°
• (地球)赤道
  a corresponding line on a planet or other body
• (任何天体的)赤道
  [Astronomy] . short for celestial equator
[天文] celestial equator 的简称
1. late Middle English: from medieval Latin aequator, in the phrase circulus aequator diei et noctis 'circle equalizing day and night', from Latin aequare 'make equal' (see equate )



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