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1facade facade
/ fE5sB:d /
1. the face of a building, especially the principal front that looks on to a street or open space
• (尤指临街或正对空旷地的)建筑物正面
  (figurative)an outward appearance that is maintained to conceal a less pleasant or creditable reality
[喻] (虚假的)表象
 »her flawless public facade masked private despair.
1. mid 17th cent.: from French façade, from face 'face', on the pattern of Italian facciata
2face face
/ feis /
1. the front part of a person's head from the forehead to the chin, or the corresponding part in an animal
• 脸,面孔
  the face as expressing emotion; an expression shown on the face
• 表情;脸色
 »the happy faces of these children.
  a manifestation or aspect of something
• 展示;方面
 »the unacceptable face of social drinking.
  [with adj.] a person conveying a particular quality or association
• (具有某种特质或引发某种联想的)人
 »this season's squad has a lot of old faces in it.
2. the surface of a thing, especially one that is presented to the view or has a particular function, in particular
• (展示出来或有特定功能的)表面,尤指
  [Geometry] each of the surfaces of a solid
[几何] (立体的)面
  a vertical or sloping side of a mountain or cliff
• (山或悬崖的)陡面,斜坡
 »the north face of the Eiger.
  short for coalface
• coalface 的简写
  the side of a planet or moon facing the observer
• (星体面对观测者的)面
  the front of a building
• 建筑物正面,外观面
  the plate of a clock or watch bearing the digits or hands
• 钟面;表面
  the distinctive side of a playing card
• 扑克牌正面
  short for typeface
• typeface 的简写
  the obverse of a coin
• 硬币正面
verb, [with obj.]
1. be positioned with the face or front towards (someone or something)
• 面对,正对
 »he turned to face her.
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] have the face or front pointing in a specified direction
• 面朝,朝着
 »the house faces due east.
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] (of a soldier) turn in a particular direction
• (士兵)向…转
 »the men had faced about to the front.
2. confront and deal with or accept
• 正视,面对;处理;接受
 »honesty forced her to face facts.
 »[no obj.] we must face up to the global impacts of our extravagant lifestyles.
  (face someone/thing down)overcome someone or something by a show of determination
• (坚决)降服,挫败
 »he climbed atop a tank to face down a coup.
  have (a difficult event or situation) in prospect
• 将面临(难事,困境)
 »each defendant faced a maximum sentence of 10 years.
  (of a problem or difficult situation) present itself to and require action from (someone)
• (问题,困境)直逼(某人)
 »if you were suddenly faced with an emergency, would you know how to cope?
3. [一般作 be faced with] cover the surface of (a thing) with a layer of a different material
• (用另种材料)涂;贴;铺
 »the external basement walls were faced with granite slabs.
face down (或 downwards)
1. with the face or surface turned towards the ground
• 面朝下
 »he lay face down on his bed.
someone's face fits
1. [Brit.] someone has the necessary qualities for something
[英] (某人)合格,适合
 »if your face didn't fit they could get rid of you within twelve months.
face the music
1. be confronted with the unpleasant consequences of one's actions
• 承担后果(或责任)
the face of the earth
1. used for emphasis or exaggeration, to refer to the existence or disappearance of someone or something
• [用于强调或夸张人或物的存在或消失]地球表面
 »he's just disappeared off the face of the earth.
 »the most gruelling training on the face of the earth.
face up (或 upwards)
1. with the face or surface turned upwards to view
• 面朝上
 »place the panel face up before cutting.
get out of someone's face
1. [usu. as imperative] [N. Amer. informal] stop harassing or annoying someone
[北美,非正式] 别再来烦(某人)
have the face to do something
1. [dated] have the effrontery to do something
[旧] 厚颜无耻地做某事
in one's face
1. directly at or against one; as one approaches
• 针对某人;迎面;当某人走近时
 »she slammed the door in my face.
in face [或the face of]
1. when confronted with
• 面临,面对着
 »her resolution in the face of the enemy.
• 不管,不论;尽管
 »reform had been introduced in the face of considerable opposition.
in your face --› see in-your-face
lose face
1. suffer a loss of respect; be humiliated
• 丢脸;受辱
loss of face
1. a loss of respect; humiliation
• 丢脸;受辱
 »he could step aside now without loss of face.
make (或 pull) a face (或 faces)
1. produce an expression on one's face that shows dislike, disgust, or some other negative emotion, or that is intended to be amusing
• 耷拉着脸;板起脸;做鬼脸(或怪相)
 »Anna pulled a funny face at the girl.
off one's face
1. [informal] very drunk or under the influence of illegal drugs
[非正式] 醉醺醺;因吸毒而恍惚
 »I had a great time going out clubbing and getting off my face.
on the face of it
1. without knowing all of the relevant facts; at first glance
• 乍一看;表面上看
 »on the face of it, these improvements look to be insignificant.
put a brave (或 bold 或 good) face on something
1. act as if something unpleasant or upsetting is not as bad as it really is
• 强作欢颜,掩饰;若无其事地对待某事
 »he was putting a brave face on it but she knew he was shattered.
put one's face on
1. [informal] apply make-up to one's face
[非正式] 化妆
save face
1. retain respect; avoid humiliation
• 保全面子;避免羞辱
save someone's face
1. enable someone to retain respect or avoid humiliation
• 使保全面子;使免受羞辱
set one's face against
1. oppose or resist with determination
• 坚决反对(或抵制)
 »the Council had set its face against planning consent for a heliport.
throw something back in someone's face
1. reject something in a brusque or ungracious manner
• 粗暴地拒绝
 »she'd given him her trust and he'd thrown it back in her face.
to one's face
1. openly in one's presence
• 当着某人的面
 »accusing me to my face of having chickened out.
faced adjective
 »[in combination] red-faced.
1. Middle English: from Old French, based on Latin facies 'form, appearance, face'
face off
1. (chiefly N. Amer.)take up an attitude of confrontation, especially at the start of a fight or game
[主北美] (战斗或比赛开始时)对峙;对抗
 »close to a million soldiers face off in the desert.
  [Ice Hockey] start play with a face-off
[冰球] 开球
3faceache faceache
1. [informal] an ugly or miserable-looking person
[非正式] 相貌丑陋的人;愁眉苦脸的人
2. archaic term for neuralgia
[古] neuralgia
4face card face card
1. (chiefly N. Amer.). another term for court card
[主北美] court card
5face-centred face-centred
1. denoting a crystal structure in which there is an atom at each vertex and at the centre of each face of the unit cell
• (晶体结构)面心的
6facecloth facecloth
/ 5feisklCW /
1. a cloth for washing one's face, typically made of towelling or other absorbent material
• 面巾
  [mass noun] smooth-surfaced woollen cloth
• 光面呢
7face cream face cream
1. [mass noun] cosmetic cream applied to the face to improve the complexion
• 面霜
8face flannel face flannel
1. [Brit.] a facecloth
[英] 面巾
9faceless faceless
/ 5feislis /
1. (of a person) remote and impersonal; anonymous
• (人)不具个人身份的;身份不明的
 »the faceless bureaucrats who made the rules.
  (of a building or place) characterless and dull
• (建筑物,地方)无个性的,千篇一律的,无生气的
facelessness noun
10facelift facelift
/ 5feislift /
1. a cosmetic surgical operation to remove unwanted wrinkles by tightening the skin of the face
• 去皱整容术;拉脸
  (figurative)a procedure carried out to improve the appearance of something
[喻] 改善面貌的措施;外观美化
 »the station has undergone a multimillion pound facelift.
11face mask face mask
1. a protective mask covering the nose and mouth or nose and eyes
• 面罩
  another term for face pack
• 同 face pack
12face-off face-off
/ 5feisCf /
1. (chiefly N. Amer.)a direct confrontation between two people or groups
[主北美] 正面冲突;对峙,对抗
 »a face-off for the championship title.
  [Ice Hockey] the start of play, in which the puck is dropped by the referee between two opposing players
[冰球] 争球开球
13face pack face pack
1. (chiefly Brit.)a cosmetic preparation spread over the face and left for some time to cleanse and improve the skin
[主英] 面膜
14face paint face paint
1. [mass noun] bold-coloured paint used to decorate the face
• (画脸用的)油彩
face-painter noun
face-painting noun
15faceplate faceplate
/ 5feispleit /
1. an enlarged end or attachment on the end of the mandrel on a lathe, with slots and holes on which work can be mounted
• (车床)面板,花盘
  a plate protecting a piece of machinery
• (机械的)防护板
  the part of a cathode ray tube that carries the phosphor screen
• (阴极射线管)荧光屏
2. the transparent window of a diver's or astronaut's helmet
• (潜水员或宇航员的)面罩,透明视窗
16face powder face powder
1. [mass noun] flesh-tinted cosmetic powder used to improve the appearance of the face by reducing shine and concealing blemishes
• 扑面香粉,扑粉
17facer facer
/ 5feisE /
1. (informal, chiefly Brit.)a blow to the face
[非正式,主英] 对面部的打击
  a sudden difficulty or obstacle
• 突发的困难(或障碍)
18face-saving face-saving
/ 5feis7seiviN /
1. [mass noun] the preserving of one's reputation, credibility, or dignity
• 保全脸面
face-saver noun
19facet facet
/ 5fAsit /
1. one side of something many-sided, especially of a cut gem
• (多面体,尤指切割好的宝石的)面
  a particular aspect or feature of something
• 方面;特征
 »different viewpoints manifesting different facets of the truth.
  [Zoology] any of the individual units (ommatidia) that make up the compound eye of an insect or crustacean
[动] (昆虫或甲壳动物复眼的)小眼面
faceted adjective
 »[in combination] multifaceted.
1. early 17th cent.: from French facette, diminutive of face 'face, side' (see face )
20facetiae facetiae
/ fE5si:Fii: /
plural noun
1. [dated] pornographic literature
[旧] 色情文学
2. (archaic)humorous or witty sayings
[古] 打趣话,谐戏妙语
1. early 16th cent.: from Latin, plural of facetia 'jest', from facetus 'witty'



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