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1fin fin
/ fin /
1. a flattened appendage on various parts of the body of many aquatic vertebrates, including fish and cetaceans, and some invertebrates, used for propelling, steering, and balancing
• 鳍;鳍状物
  an underwater swimmer's flipper
• (潜水者的)脚蹼
  a small flattened projecting surface or attachment on an aircraft, rocket, or motor car, for providing aerodynamic stability
• (飞机、火箭、机动车的)尾翼;鳍状稳定板
  a flattened projection on a device, used for increasing heat transfer
• 散热片
(finned, finning)
1. [no obj., with adverbial of direction] swim under water by means of flippers
• (穿着脚蹼)在水下游泳
 »I finned madly for the surface.
finless adjective
finned adjective
 »[in combination] primitive ray-finned fishes.
1. Old English finn, fin, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch vin and probably ultimately to Latin pinna 'feather, wing'
2finagle finagle
/ fE5neIgEl /
1. [with obj.] [informal] obtain (something) by dishonest or devious means
[非正式] 骗取,诈取
 »Ted attended all the football games he could finagle tickets for.
  [no obj.] act in a dishonest or devious manner
• 欺骗,耍花招
 »they wrangled and finagled over the fine points.
finagler noun
1. 1920s (originally US): from dialect fainaigue 'cheat'; perhaps from Old French fornier 'deny'
3final final
/ 5fainEl /
1. coming at the end of a series
• 最后的
 »the final version of the report was presented.
  reached or designed to be reached as the outcome of a process or a series of actions and events
• 最后的,最终的
 »the final cost will easily run into six figures.
  allowing no further doubt or dispute
• 决定性的;确定性的;不可更改的
 »the decision of the judging panel is final.
1. the last game in a sports tournament or other competition, which will decide the winner of the tournament
• 决赛
  (finals)a series of games constituting the final stage of a competition
• 决赛阶段
 »the World Cup finals.
2. (finals)[Brit.] a series of examinations at the end of a degree course
[英] 学位课程结业考试
 »she was doing her history finals.
  (final)[N. Amer.] an examination at the end of a term, school year, or particular class
[北美] 期末考试;学年考试;结业考试
3. [Music] the principal note in a mode
[乐] 主调音
4. (finals)the final approach of an aircraft to the runway it will be landing on
• 五边
 »the plane piloted by Richards was on finals.
the final straw
--› see straw
1. Middle English (in the adjectival sense 'conclusive'): from Old French, or from Latin finalis, from finis 'end'.
--› compare finish
4final cause final cause
1. [Philosophy] the purpose or aim of an action or the end towards which a thing naturally develops
[哲] 终极因,最终因
5final clause final clause
1. [Grammar] a clause expressing purpose or intention (e.g. one introduced by in order that or lest)
[语法] 目的从句
6final demand final demand
1. a creditor's last request for payment of money owed, before taking punitive measures
• (债权人采取惩罚措施之前)最后要求
7final drive final drive
1. the last part of the transmission system in a motor vehicle
• (机动车辆的)主传动,最终传动
8finale finale
/ fE5nAli: , -5nB:li: /
1. the last part of a piece of music, an entertainment, or a public event, especially when particularly dramatic or exciting
• (尤指非常戏剧化或激动人心的)终曲;终场;闭幕式
 »the festival ends with a grand finale.
1. mid 18th cent.: from Italian, from Latin finalis (see final )
9finalism finalism
1. [mass noun] the doctrine that natural processes, for example evolution, are directed towards some goal
• (终极)目的论,终极因论
finalistic adjective
10finalist finalist
/ 5faInElIst /
1. a competitor or team in the final or finals of a competition
• 决赛参赛者,决赛参赛队
  a student taking finals
• 参加期末考试的学生
11finality finality
/ fai5nAliti /
(pl. -ies)
1. [mass noun] the fact or impression of being an irreversible ending
• 终局;定局;结局;不可变更性,不可逆转性
 »the abrupt finality of death.
 »[in sing.] there's a dreadful finality about cutting down a tree.
  a tone or manner which indicates that no further comment or argument is possible
• 断然的语气(或态度)
 »‘No,’ she said with finality.
  the quality of being complete or conclusive
• 终结性;结论性
 »the desire for justice rather than finality fuels challenges to decisions.
  [count noun] an action or event that ends something irreversibly
• 终结性行为(或事件);终局
 »death is the ultimate finality.
1. mid 19th cent.: from French finalité, from late Latin finalitas, from Latin finalis (see final )
12finalize finalize
/ 5faInE7laIz /
(也作 -ise), verb
1. [with obj.] complete (a transaction, especially in commerce or diplomacy) after discussion of the terms
• 完成,结束(交易,商业、外交上的交易)
  produce or agree on a finished and definitive version of
• 最终确定(或敲定、确立、达成)
 »efforts intensified to finalize plans for post-war reconstruction.
finalization noun
13finally finally
/ 5fainEli /
1. after a long time, typically involving difficulty or delay
• (几经周折后)终于
 »he finally arrived to join us.
  as the last in a series of related events or objects
• (一系列相关事物)最后
 »a referendum followed by local, legislative and, finally, presidential elections.
  [sentence adverb] used to introduce a final point or reason
• [用于引出最后论点或理由]最后
 »finally, it is common knowledge that travel broadens the horizons.
  in such a way as to put an end to doubt and dispute
• 最终;彻底地;决定性地;一劳永逸地
 »to dispel finally the belief that auditors were clients of the company.
14final solution final solution
1. the Nazi policy of exterminating European Jews. Introduced by Heinrich Himmler and administered by Adolf Eichmann, the policy resulted in the murder of 6 million Jews in concentration camps between 1941 and 1945
• 最终解决方案(灭绝欧洲犹太人的纳粹政策,由亨利希•希姆莱提出、阿道夫•艾希曼执行,导致1941–1945年间集中营中600万犹太人被害)
1. translation of German Endlösung
15finance finance
/ fai5nAns /
1. [mass noun] the management of large amounts of money, especially by governments or large companies
• 财务管理;财政;金融
  monetary support for an enterprise
• (企业)资金
 »the clearing banks are important sources of finance.
  (finances)the monetary resources and affairs of a state, organization, or person
• 财源;财务
1. [with obj.] provide funding for (a person or enterprise)
• 为(个人,企业)供给资金
 »the health service is financed almost entirely by the taxpayer.
1. late Middle English: from Old French, from finer 'make an end, settle a debt', from fin 'end' (see fine ). The original sense was 'payment of a debt, compensation, or ransom'; later 'taxation, revenue'. Current senses date from the 18th cent., and reflect sense development in French
16finance company finance company
(也作 finance house), noun
1. a company concerned primarily with providing money, e.g. for hire-purchase transactions
• (为分期付款买卖提供资金的)信贷公司,金融公司
17financial financial
/ fai5nAnFEl /
1. of or relating to finance
• 财政的;金融的
 »an independent financial adviser.
  [Austral./NZ informal] possessing money
[澳/新西兰,非正式] 拥有资金的
  [W. Indian] (of a member of a club or society) paid-up
[西印度] (俱乐部或社团成员)已缴费的
1. (financials)the finances or financial situation of an organization or individual
• (组织或个人的)财务;财务状况
 »he needs to pay serious attention to his financials, particularly cash flow.
  shares in financial companies
• 金融公司股票
financially adverb
18financial intermediary financial intermediary
1. an institution, such as a bank, building society, or unit-trust company, that holds funds from lenders in order to make loans to borrowers
• 信贷机构,金融中介机构
19Financial Times index Financial Times index
1. another term for ftse index
• 同 ftse index
20financial year financial year
1. a year as reckoned for taxing or accounting purposes, for example the British tax year, reckoned from 6 April
• 财政年度,会计年度



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