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1err err
/ E: /
1. [no obj.] [formal] be mistaken or incorrect; make a mistake
[正式] 出错;犯错误
 »the judge had erred in ruling that the evidence was inadmissible.
  [often as adj. erring] sin; do wrong
• 作恶;犯过错
 »he had been as solicitous as an erring husband.
err on the right side
1. act so that the least harmful of possible mistakes or errors is the most likely to occur
• 力求稳妥
err on the side of
1. display more rather than less of (a specified quality) in one's actions
• (行动上)多表现(某种品质)
 »it is better to err on the side of caution.
to err is human, to forgive divine
1. (proverb)it is human nature to make mistakes oneself while finding it hard to forgive others
[谚] 犯错人皆难免,宽恕则属超凡
1. Middle English (in the sense 'wander, go astray'): from Old French errer, from Latin errare 'to stray'
2Herr Herr
/ hZE /
(pl. Herren)n)
1. a title or form of address used of or to a German-speaking man, corresponding to Mr and also used before a rank or occupation
• 先生(用于称呼说德语的男子,相当于Mr,亦用在头衔或职业之前)
  a German man
• 德国男子
1. German, from Old High German hērro, comparative of hēr 'exalted'



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