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1bifid bifid
/ 5baifid /
1. [Botany & Zoology] (of a part of a plant or animal) divided by a deep cleft or notch into two parts
[植,动] 二裂的,二分的,分叉的
 »a bifid leaf.
 »the gut is bifid.
1. mid 17th cent.: from Latin bifidus, from bi- 'doubly' + fidus (from findere 'to split')
2fid fid
/ fId /
1. (chieflyBrit. or Nautical)a thick peg, wedge, or supporting pin, in particular
[主英航海] 大钉(或栓、楔),尤指
  a square wooden or iron bar which takes the weight of a topmast stepped to a lower mast by being passed through holes in both masts
• 桅栓
  a conical pin or spike used in splicing rope
• (接绳用的圆锥形)尖钉
1. early 17th cent.: of unknown origin
3multifid multifid
/ 5mQltifid /
1. [Botany & Zoology] divided into several or many parts by deep clefts or notches
[植,动] 多裂的
1. mid 18th cent.: from Latin multifidus, from multus 'much, many' + -fid from fidus 'cleft, split'
4pinnatifid pinnatifid
/ pi5nAtifid /
1. [Botany] (of a leaf) pinnately divided, but not all the way down to the central axis
[植] (叶)羽状半裂的
1. mid 18th cent.: from modern Latin pinnatifidus, from Latin pinnatus 'feathered' + fid- 'cleft' (from the verb findere)
5trefid trefid
/ 5trZfId /
1. variant spelling of trifid (in sense 2)
• 同 trifid (义项2)
6triffid triffid
1. (in science fiction) one of a race of predatory plants which are capable of growing to a gigantic size and are possessed of locomotor ability and a poisonous sting
• (科幻小说中能运动、有毒刺、会食人的)巨型三裂植物
1. coined by John Wyndham in Day of the Triffids (1951)
7trifid trifid
/ 5traifid /
1. (chiefly Biology)partly or wholly split into three divisions or lobes
[主生] 三(分)裂的
2. [亦作trefid] (of an antique spoon) with three notches splitting the end of the handle
• (古式汤匙)匙柄三凹口的
1. mid 18th cent.: from Latin trifidus, from tri- 'three' + fid- 'split, divided' (from the verb findere)



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