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1adipose fin adipose fin
1. [Zoology] a small, rayless, fleshy, dorsal fin present in certain fishes, notably in the salmon family
[动] 脂鳍
2anal fin anal fin
1. [Zoology] an unpaired fin located on the underside of a fish posterior to the anus
[动] 臀鳍
3Baffin Baffin
/ 5bAfin /
1. William (c. 1584–1622), English navigator and explorer, the pilot of several expeditions in search of the North-West Passage 1612–16
• 巴芬,威廉(约1584-1622,英国航海家和探险者,曾于1612-1616年几度探寻过西北航道)
4bloodfin bloodfin
/ 5blQdfin /
1. a small South American freshwater fish that is silvery-yellow with bright red fins, popular in aquaria
• 血鳍鱼
2. Aphyocharax rubripinnis, family Characidae
• 拉丁名Aphyocharax rubripinnis,脂鲤科
5bluefin bluefin
/ 5blu:fin /
(也作 bluefin tuna), noun
1. the commonest large tuna, which occurs worldwide in warm seas. It is probably the largest bony fish, and is very important as a food and game fish
• 金枪鱼。(亦称 tunny)
2. Thunnus thynnus, family Scombridae
• 拉丁名Thunnus thynnus,鲭科
6boffin boffin
/ 5bCfin /
1. (informal, chiefly Brit.)a person engaged in scientific or technical research
[非正式,主英] 科技工作者,科研人员
 »a computer boffin.
  a person with knowledge or a skill considered to be complex, arcane, and difficult
• (掌握复杂、艰深的学问或技术的) 专家
 »he had a reputation as a tax boffin, a learned lawyer.
boffiny adjective
1. Second World War: of unknown origin
7bowfin bowfin
/ 5bEufin /
1. a predatory American freshwater fish with a large blunt head and a long dorsal fin. It is able to survive for long periods out of water
• 弓鳍鱼
2. Amia calva, the only living member of the family Amiidae
• 拉丁名Amia calva,弓鳍鱼科现存的惟一成员
1. late 19th cent.: from bow + fin
8caudal fin caudal fin
1. [Zoology] . another term for tail fin
[动] tail fin
9chromaffin chromaffin
/ krE5mAfin /
1. [attrib.] [Physiology] denoting granules or vesicles containing adrenalin and noradrenaline, and the secretory cells of the adrenal medulla in which they are found
[生理] 嗜铬的,亲铬的
1. early 20th cent.: from chromo- 'chromium' + Latin affinis 'akin' (because readily stained brown by chromates)
10coffin coffin
/ 5kC:fIn , 5kCfIn /
1. a long, narrow box, typically of wood, in which a dead body is buried or cremated
• 棺材;灵柩
  [informal] an old and unsafe aircraft or vessel
[非正式] 不安全的老旧飞机(或船)
(coffined, coffining)
1. [with obj.] put (a dead body) in a coffin
• 把(尸体)装入棺材;收殓
1. Middle English (in the general sense 'box, chest, casket'): from Old French cofin 'little basket or case', from Latin cophinus (see coffer )
11cycloparaffin cycloparaffin
/ saiklEu5pArEfin /
1. [Chemistry] . another term for cycloalkane
[化] cycloalkane
12dorsal fin dorsal fin
1. [Zoology] an unpaired fin on the back of a fish or whale, e.g. the tall triangular fin of a shark or killer whale
[动] (鱼或鲸的)背鳍
13elfin elfin
/ 5elfin /
1. (of a person or their face) small and delicate, typically with an attractively mischievous or strange charm
• (人或脸)小精灵似的(尤指具有迷人的淘气或奇特魅力)
 »her black hair suited her elfin face.
1. (archaic)an elf
[古] 小精灵
2. a small North American butterfly that is typically brownish with markings on the wing margins that give the impression of scalloped edges
• 北美小灰蝶
3. Genus Incisalia, family Lycaenidae
• 切纹翅蝶属,灰蝶科
1. late 16th cent.: from elf, probably suggested by Middle English elvene 'of elves', and by Elphin, the name of a character in Arthurian romance
14English muffin English muffin
1. North American term for muffin (in sense 1)
[北美] muffin [义项1]
15fin fin
/ fin /
1. a flattened appendage on various parts of the body of many aquatic vertebrates, including fish and cetaceans, and some invertebrates, used for propelling, steering, and balancing
• 鳍;鳍状物
  an underwater swimmer's flipper
• (潜水者的)脚蹼
  a small flattened projecting surface or attachment on an aircraft, rocket, or motor car, for providing aerodynamic stability
• (飞机、火箭、机动车的)尾翼;鳍状稳定板
  a flattened projection on a device, used for increasing heat transfer
• 散热片
(finned, finning)
1. [no obj., with adverbial of direction] swim under water by means of flippers
• (穿着脚蹼)在水下游泳
 »I finned madly for the surface.
finless adjective
finned adjective
 »[in combination] primitive ray-finned fishes.
1. Old English finn, fin, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch vin and probably ultimately to Latin pinna 'feather, wing'
16griffin griffin
(也作 gryphon, griffon ), noun
1. a mythical creature with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion, typically depicted with pointed ears and with the eagle's legs taking the place of the forelegs
• (神话中的)狮身鹰首兽
1. Middle English: from Old French grifoun, based on late Latin gryphus, via Latin from Greek grups, grup-
17liquid paraffin liquid paraffin
1. [mass noun] (chiefly Brit.)a colourless, odourless oily liquid consisting of a mixture of hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum, used as a laxative
[主英] 液体石蜡,石蜡油(可用作轻泻剂)
18McGuffin McGuffin
1. an object or device in a film or a book which serves merely as a trigger for the plot
• (电影或小说中触发故事情节的)麦加芬母题
1. late 20th cent.: a Scottish surname, said to have been borrowed by the English film director, Alfred Hitchcock, from a humorous story involving such a pivotal factor
19muffin muffin
/ 5mQfIn /
1. (chiefly Brit.)a flat circular spongy bread roll made from yeast dough and eaten split, toasted, and buttered
[主英] 英国松饼
2. (chiefly N. Amer.)a small domed spongy cake made with eggs and baking powder
[主北美] (用鸡蛋和发酵粉制成)美式拱顶小蛋糕
1. early 18th cent.: of unknown origin
20nuffin nuffin
/ 5nQfin /
(也作 nuffink ), pronoun, adjective & adverb
1. non-standard spelling of nothing , representing informal speech:
[非规范,非正式] nothing ,
 »‘There was nuffin in it,’ Carrie retorted.



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