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1bahadur bahadur
/ 7bB:hE5dJE /
1. [Indian] a brave man
[印度] 勇士
  an honorific title, originally given to officers in British India
• 伯哈德,大人(英属印度时期对官员的尊称)
 »Bahadur Shah.
1. from Urdu and Persian bahādur, from Mongolian
2bandura bandura
/ bAn5du:rE /
1. a Ukrainian stringed instrument resembling a large asymmetrical lute with many strings, held vertically and plucked like a zither
• 乌克兰琉琴(一种乌克兰弦乐器,似不对称的琉琴,垂直抱着拨奏)
1. Ukrainian; compare with bandora
3black durgon black durgon
/ 5dE:g(E)n /
1. a black triggerfish that occurs worldwide in tropical seas
• 黑扳机鲀,黑炮弹
2. Melichthys niger, family Balistidae
• 拉丁名Melichthys niger,鳞鲀科
1. mid 20th cent.: durgon perhaps from English dialect durgan or durgen 'undersized person or animal'
4bordure bordure
/ 5bC:djuE /
1. [Heraldry] a broad border used as a charge in a coat of arms, often as a mark of difference
[纹章] 盾形纹章的边缘
1. late Middle English : variant of border
5Borobudur Borobudur
/ 7bC:rEbE5dJE , 7bEJr- /
1. a Buddhist monument in central Java, built c. 800
• 千佛塔(爪哇中部一座佛教纪念碑,约建于公元800年)
6British Honduras British Honduras
1. former name (until 1973) for Belize
• 英属洪都拉斯 Belize 的原称[1973年前]
7consumer durable consumer durable
1. [一般作 consumer durables] a manufactured item, typically a car or household appliance, that is expected to have a relatively long useful life after purchase
• 耐用消费品(尤指汽车或家用电器)
8Cordura Cordura
/ kC:5djJErE /
1. [mass noun] (trademark)a durable synthetic fabric
[商标] 科图拉(一种耐用的合成纤维)
9corduroy corduroy
/ 5kC:dE7rCI /
1. [mass noun] a thick cotton fabric with velvety ribs
• 灯芯绒
  (corduroys)trousers made of corduroy
• 灯芯绒裤
1. late 18th cent.: probably from cord 'ribbed fabric' + duroy, denoting a kind of lightweight worsted formerly made in the West of England; of unknown origin
10corduroy road corduroy road
1. (historical)a road made of tree trunks laid across a swamp
[史] (树干铺成的)穿过沼泽地的路
11County Durham County Durham
--› see Durham
12dura dura
/ 5djuErE /
[全称 dura mater] , noun
1. [Anatomy] the tough outermost membrane enveloping the brain and spinal cord
[剖] 硬膜,硬脑(脊)膜
dural adjective
1. late 19th cent.: from medieval Latin, literally 'hard mother', translation of Arabic al-'umm al-jāfiya 'coarse mother'
1. variant spelling of durra
• 同 durra
13durable durable
/ 5djuErEbl /
1. able to withstand wear, pressure, or damage; hard-wearing
• 耐用的;经穿的,耐磨的
 »porcelain enamel is strong and durable.
 »a durable peace can be achieved.
  [informal] (of a person) having endurance
[非正式] (人)有耐力的,坚韧不拔的
 »the durable Smith lasted the full eight rounds.
1. (durables). short for durable goods
• durable goods 的简称
durability noun
durableness noun
durably adverb
1. Middle English (in the sense 'steadfast'): via Old French from Latin durabilis, from durare 'to last' (see duration )
14durable goods durable goods
plural noun
1. goods not for immediate consumption and able to be kept for a period of time
• 耐用品
15Duralumin Duralumin
/ djJ5rAljJmIn /
1. [mass noun] (trademark)a hard, light alloy of aluminium with copper and other elements
[商标] 杜拉铝,硬铝
1. early 20th cent.: perhaps from Latin durus 'hard' + aluminium, but probably influenced by Düren, the name of the Rhineland town where such alloys were first produced
16dura mater dura mater
/ 7djJErE 5meItE /
--› see dura
17duramen duramen
/ djuE5reimen /
1. [mass noun] [Botany] the heartwood of a tree
[植] (树木的)心材
1. mid 19th cent.: from Latin, literally 'hardness', from durare 'harden'
18durance durance
/ 5djuErEns /
1. [mass noun] (archaic)imprisonment or confinement
[古] 监禁,关押;禁闭
1. late Middle English (in the sense 'continuance'): from Old French, from durer 'to last', from Latin durare. The sense 'imprisonment' is first recorded in the early 16th cent
19Durango Durango
/ djJ5rANgEJ /
1. a state of north central Mexico
• 杜兰戈州(墨西哥中北部一州)
  its capital city; pop. 1,352,160 (1990). Full name Victoria de Durango
• 杜兰戈(杜兰戈州首府,1990年人口1,352,160;。 全称 Victoria de Durango
20Duras Duras
/ 5djJErB: /
1. Marguerite (1914–96), French novelist, film director, and dramatist; pseudonym of Marguerite Donnadieu. She is best known for the screenplay to Alain Resnais' film Hiroshima mon amour (1959) and for her semi-autobiographical novel L'Amant (1984)
• 杜拉斯,玛格丽特(1914–1996,法国女小说家、电影导演、剧作家,原名玛格丽特•多纳迪厄;最著名作品有阿伦•雷奈导演的电影《广岛之恋》[1959]的剧本,及她的半自传体小说《情人》[1984])



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