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1adequate adequate
/ 5Adikwit /
1. satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity
• 足够的,能满足需要的
 »this office is perfectly adequate for my needs.
 »adequate resources and funding.
adequacy noun
adequately adverb
1. early 17th cent.: from Latin adaequatus 'made equal to', past participle of the verb adaequare, from ad- 'to' + aequus 'equal'
2angular frequency angular frequency
1. [Physics] the frequency of a steadily recurring phenomenon expressed in radians per second. A frequency in hertz can be converted to an angular frequency by multiplying it by 2π[Symbol: ω]
[物理] 角频率[符号: ω]
3Arequipa Arequipa
/ 7Ari5ki:pE /
1. a city in the Andes of southern Peru; pop. 619,150 (1993)
• 阿雷基帕(秘鲁南部安第斯山脉地区一城市,1993年人口619,150)
4audio frequency audio frequency
1. a frequency of oscillation capable of being perceived by the human ear, generally between 20 and 20,000 Hz
• (人耳可听到的)音频(通常在20-2万赫兹之间)
5autumn equinox autumn equinox
(也作 autumnal equinox), noun
1. the equinox in autumn, on about 22 September in the northern hemisphere and 20 March in the southern hemisphere
• 秋分(北半球约在9月22日,南半球约在3月20日)
  [Astronomy] the equinox in September
[天文] (9月的)秋分
6beat frequency beat frequency
1. [Physics] the number of beats per second, equal to the difference in the frequencies of two interacting tones or oscillations
[物理] 拍频,差频
7bequeath bequeath
/ bI5kwi:T , -5kwi:W /
1. [with obj.] leave (a personal estate or one's body) to a person or other beneficiary by a will
• (按遗嘱)将个人财产遗赠给,(按遗嘱)将本人遗体遗留给
 »he bequeathed his art collection to the town.
  pass (something) on or leave (something) to someone else
• 传下,留下
 »he ditched the unpopular policies bequeathed to him.
bequeathal noun
bequeather noun
1. Old English becwethan, from be- 'about' (expressing transitivity) + cwethan 'say' (see quoth )
8bequest bequest
/ bI5kwest /
1. a legacy
• 遗产,遗物
 »a bequest of over £300,000.
  [mass noun] the action of bequeathing something
• 遗赠
 »a painting acquired by bequest.
1. Middle English : from be- 'about' + Old English cwis 'speech', influenced by bequeath
9Bibliothèque nationale Bibliothèque nationale
/ 7bIblIE7tZk 7nAsjE5nB:l,  /
1. the national library of France, in Paris, which receives a copy of every book and periodical etc. published in France
• (巴黎)法国国家图书馆
10blank cheque blank cheque
1. a cheque with the amount left for the payee to fill in
• 未填金额的签名支票,空白支票
  [insing.] (figurative)an unlimited freedom of action
[喻] 自由处理权,全权
 »he was effectively granted a blank cheque to conduct a war without Congressional authorization.
11capital adequacy capital adequacy
1. [mass noun] the statutory minimum reserves of capital which a bank or other financial institution must have available
• (银行或其他金融机构的)最低资本金储备
12celestial equator celestial equator
1. the projection into space of the earth's equator; an imaginary circle equidistant from the celestial poles
• 天赤道;天球赤道
13certified cheque certified cheque
1. a cheque which is guaranteed by a bank
• 保付支票
14Chancellor of the Exchequer Chancellor of the Exchequer
1. the finance minister of the United Kingdom, who prepares the nation's annual budgets
• (英国)财政大臣 (负责国家每年的财政预算)
15cheque cheque
/ tFek /
[美 check] , noun
1. an order to a bank to pay a stated sum from the drawer's account, written on a specially printed form
• 支票
1. early 18th cent. (originally denoting a counterfoil, or a form with a counterfoil): variant of check, in the sense 'device for checking the amount of an item'
16chequebook chequebook
/ 5tFekbuk /
1. a book of forms for writing cheques
• 支票簿
17chequebook journalism chequebook journalism
1. [mass noun] the practice of paying a large amount of money to someone so as to acquire the exclusive right to publish their story in a particular newspaper
• (付一大笔钱以获得独家发表有关新闻报道的)支票簿新闻采访
18cheque card cheque card
(也作 cheque guarantee card), noun
1. [Brit.] a card issued by a bank to guarantee the honouring of cheques up to a stated amount
[英] 支票保付限额卡
19chequer chequer
/ 5tFekE /
[美 checker] , noun
1. (chequers)a pattern of squares, typically alternately coloured
• (尤指双色的)格子图案
 »a geometric shape bordered by chequers.
 »[as modifier] a chequer design.
2. (checkers)[treated as sing.] [N. Amer.] the game of draughts
[北美] 国际跳棋
  (checker)a piece used in this game
• 国际跳棋棋子
1. [with obj.] [一般作 be chequered] divide into or mark with an arrangement of squares of a different colour or character
• 分割成(不同颜色或特性的)方块;以(不同颜色或特性的方块)标出
 »a great plain chequered with corn and green mosses.
1. Middle English: from exchequer. The original sense 'chessboard' gave rise to chequered meaning 'marked like a chessboard'; hence sense 1 (early 16th cent.)
20chequerboard chequerboard
[美 checkerboard] , noun
1. a board for playing checkers and similar games, having a regular pattern of squares in alternating colours, typically black and white
• 棋盘
  a pattern resembling such a board
• 棋盘状图案



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