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1affable affable
/ 5AfEbEl /
1. friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to
• 友好的,性情温和的,和蔼可亲的
 »an affable and agreeable companion.
affability noun
affably adverb
1. late Middle English : via Old French from Latin affabilis, from the verb affari, from ad- 'to' + fari 'speak'
2effable effable
/ 5efEbl /
1. (rare)able to be described in words
[罕] 能被说出的,可表达的
1. early 17th cent.: from Latin effabilis, from effari 'utter'
3fable fable
/ 5feibl /
1. a short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral
• 寓言
  a story, typically a supernatural one incorporating elements of myth and legend
• 神话故事
  [mass noun] myth and legend
• 神话传说
 »the unnatural monsters of fable.
  a false statement or belief
• 谎言,杜撰;假信念
1. [no obj.] (archaic)tell fictitious tales
[古] 虚构,捏造
 »I do not dream nor fable.
  [with obj.] fabricate or invent (an incident, person, or story)
• 虚构(事件、人物或故事)
fabler noun
1. Middle English: from Old French fable (noun), from Latin fabula 'story', from fari 'speak'
4fabled fabled
/ 5feIbEld /
1. [attrib.] well known for being of great quality or rarity; famous
• (因品质高或罕见而)著名的
 »a fabled art collection.
   mythical ; imaginary
• 传说中的;虚构的,假想的
 »the fabled kingdom.
5fabless fabless
1. denoting or relating to a company which designs microchips but contracts out their production rather than owning its own factory
• (芯片设计公司)无厂房的,生产外包的
1. 1980s: from fab + -less
6fabliau fabliau
/ 5fAbliEu /
(pl. fabliaux -əʊz)
1. a metrical tale, typically a bawdily humorous one, of a type found chiefly in early French poetry
• 故事诗(一种韵文,多见于早期法国诗歌,多含色情幽默)
1. from Old French [Picard dialect] fabliaux, plural of fablel 'short fable', diminutive of fable
7Fablon Fablon
1. [mass noun] (trademark)flexible self-adhesive plastic sheeting used for covering table tops and working surfaces
[商标] 范布伦(用来覆盖桌面或作业台表面的自粘胶可变形塑料薄膜)
8ineffable ineffable
/ In5efEbEl /
1. too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words
• (伟大或极致得)无法表达的,不可言喻的,难以形容的
 »the ineffable natural beauty of the Everglades.
  not to be uttered
• 不容称呼的,不可言说的,应避讳的
 »the ineffable Hebrew name that gentiles write as Jehovah.
ineffability noun
ineffably adverb
1. late Middle English: from Old French, or from Latin ineffabilis, from in- 'not' + effabilis (see effable )



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