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1abortifacient abortifacient
/ E7bC:ti5feiFEnt /
[Medicine] [医]
1. (chiefly of a drug) causing abortion
• (主要指药物)堕胎的
1. an abortifacient drug
• 堕胎药
2about-face about-face
/ E7baut5feis /
noun & verb
1. (chiefly N. Amer.). another term for about-turn
[主北美] about-turn
3air-to-surface air-to-surface
/ 5ZEtE5sE:fis /
1. directed or operating from an aircraft in flight to the surface of the sea or other body of water
• 空对海的;空对水面的
4application programming interfac application programming interface
1. [Computing] a system of tools and resources in an operating system, enabling developers to create software applications
[计算机] 应用程序界面
5artefact artefact
/ 5B:tifAkt /
[美 artifact] , noun
1. an object made by a human being, typically one of cultural or historical interest
• (尤指有文化价值或历史价值的)人工制品;历史文物
 »gold and silver artefacts.
  [Archaeology] such an object as distinguished from a similar object naturally produced
[考古] 人工制品
2. something observed in a scientific investigation or experiment that is not naturally present but occurs as a result of the preparative or investigative procedure
• 非自然存在物体
artefactual adjective
1. early 19th cent.: from Latin arte 'by or using art' + factum 'something made' (neuter past participle of facere 'make')
6artifact artifact
/ 5B:tE7fAkt /
1. US spelling of artefact
[美] artefact
7ashen-faced ashen-faced
1. very pale with shock, fear, or illness
• (因惊吓、害怕或疾病而)脸色苍白的
8baby-faced baby-faced
1. having a youthful or innocent face
• 娃娃脸的
 »baby-faced tough guys.
9barefaced barefaced
/ 5bZE5feist /
1. shameless and undisguised
• 厚颜无耻的;公然露骨的
 »a barefaced lie.
2. having an uncovered face and therefore exposed or vulnerable to something
• 不戴面具的,脸上无覆盖物的
 »his years of working barefaced, breathing down dust.
barefacedly adverb
10benefaction benefaction
/ 7beni5fAkFEn /
1. [formal] a donation or gift
[正式] 捐赠;赠物
1. mid 17th cent.: from late Latin benefactio(n-), from bene facere 'do good (to'), from bene 'well' + facere 'do'
11benefactive benefactive
/ 7beni5fAktiv /
[Grammar] [语法]
1. denoting a semantic case or construction that expresses the person or thing that benefits from the action of the verb, for example for you in I bought this for you
• 施益体的(一种语义格或语义结构,表示从动词所表述的动作中得益的人或物,如“I bought this for you"中的“for you")
1. the benefactive case, or a word or expression in it
• 施益格,施益格词语
1. 1940s: from Latin benefactus 'capable of giving' + -ive
12benefactor benefactor
/ 5benE7fAktE /
1. a person who gives money or other help to a person or cause
• 施惠者,捐助人,施主,恩人
1. late Middle English : from Latin, from bene facere 'do good (to') (see benefaction )
13benefactress benefactress
/ 5bAni7fAktrEs /
1. female benefactor
• 女捐助人,女施主,女恩人
14biface biface
/ 5baifeis /
1. [Archaeology] a type of prehistoric stone implement flaked on both faces
[考古] 两面器(史前时期的一种石器,两面都经凿、削加工)
15bifacial bifacial
/ bai5feiFEl /
1. having two faces, in particular
• 有两个面的,尤指
  [Botany] (of a leaf) having upper and lower surfaces that are structurally different
[植] (叶子) 异面的
  [Archaeology] (of a flint or other artefact) worked on both faces
[考古] (燧石或其他人工制品)两面经加工的
16blackface blackface
/ 5blAkfeis /
1. a sheep of a breed with a black face
• 黑面羊,黑脸羊
2. [mass noun] the make-up used by a non-black performer playing a black role
• (非黑人演员)扮演黑人时所作的化妆,黑人妆
17Blue-faced Leicester Blue-faced Leicester
1. Leicester [义项 3]
18boldface boldface
/ 5bEuldfeis /
1. [mass noun] a typeface with thick strokes
• 黑体字,粗体字
1. printed or displayed in such a typeface
• 黑体的, 粗体的
boldfaced adjective
19Boniface, St Boniface, St
/ 5bRnIfeIs /
1. (680–754), Anglo-Saxon missionary; bornWynfrith; known as the Apostle of Germany. He was sent to Frisia and Germany to spread the Christian faithand was appointed Primate of Germany in 732; he was martyred in Frisia. Feast day, 5 June
• 圣卜尼法斯(680—754,盎格鲁撒克逊传教士,出生名温弗里德,通称"德意志使徒",曾在弗里西亚和德国传播基督教,732年被任命为德国大主教;后在弗里西亚传教时被杀;纪念日6月5号)
20calefacient calefacient
/ 7kAli5feiFEnt /
1. [Medicine, archaic] a drug or other agent causing a sensation of warmth
[医古] 发暖药
1. mid 17th cent.: from Latin calefacient- 'making warm', from the verb calefacere, from calere 'be warm' + facere 'make'



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