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1defervescence defervescence
/ 7difE5vesns /
1. [mass noun] [Medicine] the abatement of a fever as indicated by a decrease in bodily temperature
[医] 退热
defervesce verb
1. early 18th cent.: from Latin defervescent- 'ceasing to boil', from the verb defervescere
2effervesce effervesce
/ 7efE5ves /
verb, [no obj.]
1. (of a liquid) give off bubbles
• (液体)冒泡,起沫
  (figurative)(of a person) be vivacious and enthusiastic
[喻] (人)欢腾,兴高采烈
1. early 18th cent.: from Latin effervescere, from ex- 'out, up' + fervescere 'begin to boil' (from fervere 'be hot, boil')
3effervescent effervescent
/ 7efE5vesnt /
1. (of a liquid) giving off bubbles; fizzy
• (液体)冒泡的;起沫的
  (figurative)(of a person or their behaviour) vivacious and enthusiastic
[喻] (人或其行为)欢腾的,兴高采烈的
effervescence noun
1. late 17th cent.: from Latin effervescent- 'boiling up', from the verb effervescere (see effervesce )
4fervent fervent
/ 5f\:vEnt /
1. having or displaying a passionate intensity
• 热情的;盛情的
 »40,000 fervent admirers of the Great Leader.
  (archaic)hot, burning, or glowing
[古] 炽热的;燃烧的;光辉的
fervency noun
fervently adverb
1. Middle English: via Old French from Latin fervent- 'boiling', from the verb fervere. Compare with fervid and fervour
5fervid fervid
/ 5fE:vid /
1. intensely enthusiastic or passionate, especially to an excessive degree
• (过分)热衷的;激情(过头)的
 »she had a fervid interest in sex.
  (poetic/literary) burning, hot, or glowing
[诗/文] 燃烧的;炽热的;光辉的
fervidly adverb
1. late 16th cent. (in the sense 'glowing, hot'): from Latin fervidus, from fervere 'to boil'. Compare with fervent and fervour
6fervour fervour
/ 5f\:vE /
[美 fervor] , noun
1. [mass noun] intense and passionate feeling
• 激情;炽热的情感
 »he talked with all the fervour of a new convert.
  (archaic)intense heat
[古] 炽热
1. Middle English: via Old French from Latin fervor, from fervere 'to boil'. Compare with fervent and fervid
7perfervid perfervid
/ pE5fE:vid /
1. (poetic/literary)intense and impassioned
[诗/文] 极其强烈的,十分热烈的;充满激情的
 »perfervid nationalism.
perfervidly adverb
1. mid 19th cent.: from modern Latin perfervidus, from Latin per- 'utterly' + fervidus 'glowing hot, fiery'



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