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1affidavit affidavit
/ 7AfI5deIvIt /
1. [Law] a written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation, for use as evidence in court
[律] (经宣誓或确认在法庭作为证据的)附誓书面陈述,宣誓书
1. mid 6th cent.: from medieval Latin, literally he has stated on oath', from affidare
2bifid bifid
/ 5baifid /
1. [Botany & Zoology] (of a part of a plant or animal) divided by a deep cleft or notch into two parts
[植,动] 二裂的,二分的,分叉的
 »a bifid leaf.
 »the gut is bifid.
1. mid 17th cent.: from Latin bifidus, from bi- 'doubly' + fidus (from findere 'to split')
3bona fide bona fide
/ 7bEJnE 5faIdi /
1. genuine ; real
• 真实的;真正的
 »only bona fide members of the company are allowed to use the logo.
1. (chiefly Law)without intention to deceive
[主律] 诚实地,守信地
 »the court will assume that they have acted bona fide.
1. Latin, literally with good faith', ablative singular of bona fides
4bona fides bona fides
/ 7bEJnE 5faIdi:z /
1. [mass noun] a person's honesty and sincerity of intention
• 真诚,诚意
 »he went to great lengths to establish his liberal bona fides.
  [treated as pl.] [informal] documentary evidence showing that a person is what they claim to be; credentials
[非正式] 介绍信,证书;信任状,国书
1. Latin, literally good faith'
5bull fiddle bull fiddle
1. (informal, chiefly US)a double bass
[非正式, 主美] 低音提琴
6confidant confidant
/ 7kCnfi5dAnt /
(fem.阴性confidante 读音同.)
1. a person with whom one shares a secret or private matter, trusting them not to repeat it to others
• (可向之透露秘密或个人私事的)密友,知己
1. mid 17th cent.: alteration of confident (as a noun in the same sense in the early 17th cent.), probably to represent the pronunciation of French confidente 'having full trust'
7confide confide
/ kEn5faid /
1. [reporting verb] tell someone about a secret or private matter while trusting them not to repeat it to others
• 吐露(秘密,私事);倾诉
 »[with obj.] he confided his fears to his mother.
 »[with direct speech] ‘I have been afraid,’ she confided.
 »[with clause] he confided that stress had caused him to lose a stone in weight.
  [no obj.] (confide in)trust (someone) enough to tell them of such a secret or private matter
• 因信任(某人)而向其吐露(秘密,私事)
 »[with clause] he confided in friends that he and his wife planned to separate.
  [with obj.] (confide something to)[dated] entrust something to (someone) in order for them to look after it
[旧] 把…托付给(某人)
 »the property of others confided to their care was unjustifiably risked.
confidingly adverb
1. late Middle English (in the sense 'place trust (in)'): from Latin confidere 'have full trust'. The sense 'impart as a secret' dates from the mid 18th cent
8confidence confidence
/ 5kCnfidEns /
noun, [mass noun]
1. the feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something
• 信任,信赖
 »we had every confidence in the staff.
 »he had gained the young man's confidence.
  the state of feeling certain about the truth of something
• 信心,把握
 » it is not possible to say with confidence how much of the increase in sea levels is due to melting glaciers.
  a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities
• 自信
 »she's brimming with confidence.
 »[in sing.] he would walk up those steps with a confidence he didn't feel.
  the telling of private matters or secrets with mutual trust
• 在互信基础上的透露
 »someone with whom you may raise your suspicions in confidence.
 »opinions were expressed without any breach of confidence.
  [count noun] [常作confidences] a secret or private matter told to someone under such a condition of trust
• (因信任而)吐露的秘密(或私事);知心话,体己话
 »the girls exchanged confidences about their parents.
in someone's confidence
1. in a position of trust with someone
• 受某人信任
take someone into one's confidence
1. tell someone one's secrets
• 向某人透露秘密,把某人当作知己
1. late Middle English: from Latin confidentia, from confidere 'have full trust' (see confident )
9confidence interval confidence interval
1. [Statistics] a range of values so defined that there is a specified probability that the value of a parameter lies within it
[统计] 置信区间
10confidence level confidence level
1. [Statistics] the probability that the value of a parameter falls within a specified range of values
[统计 ] 置信级,置信度
11confidence limit confidence limit
1. [Statistics] either of the extreme values of a confidence interval
[统计] 置信限,置信界限
12confidence man confidence man
1. old-fashioned term for con man
• 旧同con man
13confidence trick confidence trick
[北美亦作 confidence game] , noun
1. an act of cheating or tricking someone by gaining their trust and persuading them to believe something that is not true
• 欺诈;骗局
14confidence trickster confidence trickster
1. a person who sets out to defraud or deceive people by persuading them to believe something that is not true
• 骗子
15confident confident
/ 5kCnfidEnt /
1. feeling or showing confidence in oneself or one's abilities or qualities
• 自信的;有信心的
 » a confident smile .
 »people who are confident in their identity.
  feeling or showing certainty about something
• 确信的;有把握的
 »this time they’re confident of a happy ending.
 »I am not very confident about tonight's game.
1. (archaic)a confidant
[古] 密友,知己
confidently adverb
1. late 16th cent.: from French confident(e), from Italian confidente, from Latin confident- 'having full trust', from the verb confidere, from con- (expressing intensive force) + fidere 'trust'
16confidential confidential
/ 7kCnfi5denFEl /
1. intended to be kept secret
• 保密的;机密的
 »confidential information.
 »we won't name the informant because it's confidential.
  (of a person's tone of voice) indicating that what one says is private or secret
• (语气)表示所言是保密的;私下的
 »he dropped his voice to a confidential whisper.
  [attrib.] entrusted with private or restricted information:
• 受到信任的;因受到信任而了解机密的;被视为心腹的
 »a confidential secretary.
confidentiality noun
confidentially adverb
17diffident diffident
/ 5dIfIdEnt , -7dent /
1. modest or shy because of a lack of self-confidence
• 谦卑的;害羞的;缺乏自信的
 »a diffident youth.
diffidence noun
diffidently adverb
1. late Middle English (in the sense 'lacking confidence or trust in someone or something'): from Latin diffident- 'failing in trust', from the verb diffidere, from dis- (expressing reversal) + fidere 'to trust'
18fid fid
/ fId /
1. (chieflyBrit. or Nautical)a thick peg, wedge, or supporting pin, in particular
[主英航海] 大钉(或栓、楔),尤指
  a square wooden or iron bar which takes the weight of a topmast stepped to a lower mast by being passed through holes in both masts
• 桅栓
  a conical pin or spike used in splicing rope
• (接绳用的圆锥形)尖钉
1. early 17th cent.: of unknown origin
19Fid. Def. Fid. Def.
for abbreviation
1. Fidei Defensor
• 同 Fidei Defensor 见 Defender of the Faith
20fiddle fiddle
/ 5fidl /
1. [informal] a violin
[非正式] 小提琴
2. (informal, chiefly Brit.)an act of defrauding, cheating, or falsifying
[非正式,主英] 欺骗,欺诈;伪造;骗局
 »a major mortgage fiddle.
3. [informal] a small task that seems awkward and unnecessarily complex
[非正式] 繁琐的小麻烦
 »inserting a tape is a bit of a fiddle.
4. [Nautical] a contrivance, such as a raised rim, that prevents things from rolling or sliding off a table in bad weather
[航海] 餐桌围框
verb, [informal] [非正式]
1. [no obj.] touch or fidget with something in a restless or nervous way
• (紧张、不安地)抚弄,摆弄,拨弄
 »Lena fiddled with her cup.
  tinker with something in an attempt to make minor adjustments or improvements
• (为稍加调整或改进而)摆弄,倒腾
 »he sat in the car and played the radio, fiddling with the knobs.
  (fiddle around)pass time aimlessly, without doing or achieving anything of substance
• 虚度光阴,混时间
2. [with obj.] (chiefly Brit.)falsify (figures, data, or records), typically in order to gain money
[主英] (尤指为赚钱而)伪造,篡改,谎报(数字,数据,记录)
 »everyone is fiddling their expenses.
3. [no obj.] (archaic)play the violin
[古] 拉小提琴
fiddle while Rome burns
1. be concerned with relatively trivial matters while ignoring the serious or disastrous events going on around one
• 只顾小事,不看大局
(as) fit as a fiddle
1. in very good health
• 非常健康
on the fiddle
1. [informal] engaged in cheating or swindling
[非正式] 行骗
play second fiddle to
1. take a less important and subordinate role to someone or something in a way often considered demeaning
• 屈居人下;屈从;迁就
 »she had to play second fiddle to the interests of her husband.
1. Old English fithele, denoting a violin or similar instrument (originally not an informal or depreciatory term), related to Dutch vedel and German Fiedel, based on Latin vitulari 'celebrate a festival, be joyful', perhaps from Vitula, the name of a Roman goddess of joy and victory.
--› compare viol



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