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1defloration defloration
/ 7di:flC:5reiFEn /
1. [mass noun] (poetic/literary)the taking of a woman's virginity
[诗/文] 失去贞操,处女膜破裂
1. late Middle English: from late Latin defloratio(n-), from the verb deflorare (see deflower )
2disc floret disc floret
1. [Botany] (in a composite flower head of the daisy family) any of a number of small tubular and usually fertile florets that form the disc. In rayless plants such as the tansy the flower head is composed entirely of disc florets
[植] 心花,盘花。
--› compare ray floret
3effloresce effloresce
/ 7eflC:5res /
verb, [no obj.]
1. (of a substance) lose moisture and turn to a fine powder on exposure to air
• (物质)风化;粉化
  (of salts) come to the surface of brickwork, rock, or other material and crystallize there
• (盐在砖造建筑物,岩石等表面)霜化
  (of a surface) become covered with salt particles
• (表面)起霜
2. reach an optimum stage of development
• 全盛
 »simple concepts that effloresce into testable conclusions.
efflorescence noun
efflorescent adjective
1. late 18th cent.: from Latin efflorescere, from e- (variant of ex-) 'out' + florescere 'begin to bloom' (from florere 'to bloom', from flos, flor- 'flower')
4extrafloral extrafloral
/ 5ekstrE5flC:rEl /
1. [Botany] (of a nectary) situated outside a flower, especially on a leaf or stem
[植] (蜜腺)位于花外的(尤指在叶上或茎干上)
5flor. flor.
for abbreviation
1. floruit
• 同 floruit
6flor flor
/ flC /
1. [mass noun] yeast allowed to develop in a whitish film on the surface of dry (fino) sherries and similar wines during fermentation
• 酒花(发酵时浮在干雪利酒等表面的白色酵母)
1. late 19th cent.: from Spanish, literally flower'
7Flora Flora
1. [Roman Mythology] the goddess of flowering plants
[罗马神话] 福罗拉(女花神)
8flora flora
/ 5flC:rE /
(pl. floras 或florae -riː)
1. [mass noun] the plants of a particular region, habitat, or geological period
• (某地区、栖息地或地质时期的)植物群,植物区系。
--› compare fauna
 »Britain's native flora.
 »[count noun] the island has acquired a flora.
  [count noun] a treatise on or list of such plant life
• 植物志
1. late 18th cent.: from Latin flos, flor- 'flower'
9floral floral
/ 5flC:rEl /
1. of flowers
• 花的
 »floral tributes.
  decorated with or depicting flowers
• 饰以花的;描绘花的
 »a floral pattern.
  [Botany] of flora or floras
[植] 植物(群)的,植物区系的
 »faunal and floral evolution.
1. a fabric with a floral design
• 花卉图案织物
florally adverb
1. mid 18th cent.: from Latin flos, flor- 'flower' + -al
10floral kingdom floral kingdom
1. another term for phytogeographical kingdom
• 同 phytogeographical kingdom
11floreat floreat
/ 5flC:riAt /
1. used before a name to express one's desire that the specified institution or person will flourish
• 祝…繁荣昌盛;祝…事业兴旺(用于名字前表示祝愿)
1. Latin, let flourish …', originally used in floreat Etona, the motto of Eton College
12Florence Florence
/ 5flC:rEns , 5flCr- /
1. a city in west central Italy, the capital of Tuscany, on the River Arno; pop. 352,227 (2001). Florence was a leading centre of the Italian Renaissance from the 14th to the 16th century, especially under the rule of the Medici family during the 15th century. Italian name Firenze
• 佛罗伦萨(意大利中西部城市,托斯卡纳区首府,位于亚诺河畔,2001年人口352,227;在14至16世纪,尤其在15世纪梅第奇家族统治时期,佛罗伦萨是意大利文艺复兴中心;。 意大利语名 Firenze)
13Florence fennel Florence fennel
--› see fennel
14Florentine Florentine
/ 5flCrEntain /
1. of or relating to Florence
• (与)佛罗伦萨(有关)的
2. (florentine -tiːn)[postpositive] (of a dish) served on a bed of spinach
• (菜肴)菠菜垫底的
 »eggs florentine.
1. a native or citizen of Florence
• 佛罗伦萨人(或市民)
2. a biscuit consisting mainly of nuts and preserved fruit, coated on one side with chocolate
• 佛罗伦萨饼干(坚果和蜜饯制成,饼干的一面涂有巧克力)
1. Middle English (as a noun): from French Florentin(e) or Latin Florentinus, from Florentia 'Florence'
15flore pleno flore pleno
/ 7flC:reI 5pleInEJ, 7flC:ri /
1. (of a plant variety) double-flowered
• (植物品种)重瓣花的
1. Latin, literally with a full flower'
16Flores Flores
/ 5flC:rZs /
1. the largest of the Lesser Sunda Islands in Indonesia
• 弗洛勒斯岛(印度尼西亚小巽他群岛的最大岛屿)
17florescence florescence
/ flC:5resns /
1. [mass noun] the process of flowering
• 开花期
 »the Hieracia are erect throughout the process of florescence.
 »[count noun] a spectacular cultural florescence.
1. late 18th cent.: from modern Latin florescentia, from Latin florescere 'begin to flower', based on flos, flor- 'flower'
18floret floret
/ 5flC:rit /
1. [Botany] one of the small flowers making up a composite flower head
[植] (复合花序中的)小花
  one of the flowering stems making up a head of cauliflower or broccoli
• (花椰菜,花茎甘蓝)花茎,花部
  a small flower
• 小花
1. late 17th cent.: from Latin flos, flor- 'flower' + -et
19Florey Florey
/ 5flC:ri /
1. Howard Walter, Baron (1898–1968), Australian pathologist. With Ernst Chain he isolated and purified penicillin; in 1945 they shared a Nobel Prize with Alexander Fleming
• 弗洛里,霍华德•沃尔特,男爵(1898–1968,澳大利亚病理学家,和厄恩斯特•钱恩一起对青霉素进行分离提纯;1945年他们与亚历山大•弗莱明同获诺贝尔奖)
20Florianópolis Florianópolis
/ 7flC:rIE5nRpElIs /
1. a city in southern Brazil, on the Atlantic coast, capital of the state of Santa Catarina; pop. 321,778 (2000)
• 弗洛里亚诺波利斯(巴西南部城市,濒临大西洋,圣卡塔琳娜州首府;2000年人口321,778)



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