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1affluent affluent
/ 5AfluEnt /
1. (especially of a group or area) having a great deal of money; wealthy
• (尤指团体或地区)有钱的,富裕的
 »the affluent societies of the western world.
 »[as plural noun the affluent] only the affluent could afford to travel abroad.
2. (archaic)(of water) flowing freely or in great quantity
[古] (水)畅流,滔滔流动
1. (archaic)a tributary stream
[古] 支流
affluence noun
affluently adverb
1. late Middle English (in sense 2): via Old French from Latin affluent- 'flowing towards, flowing freely', from the verb affluere, from ad- 'to' + fluere 'to flow'
2affluenza affluenza
/ 7Aflu5enzE /
1. [mass noun] a psychological malaise supposedly affecting young wealthy people, symptoms of which include a lack of motivation, feelings of guilt, and a sense of isolation
• 富人心理障碍,富裕病(影响年轻富人的一种心态,主要症状包括缺少积极性、内疚感和孤独感)
1. 1970s: blend of affluentand influenza
3afflux afflux
/ 5AflQks /
1. (archaic)a flow of something, especially water or air
[古] (尤指水、空气)流动
1. early 17th cent.: from medieval Latin affluxus, from affluere 'flow freely' (see affluent )
4aflutter aflutter
/ E5flQtE /
adjective, [predic.]
1. in a state of tremulous excitement
• 激动的;紧张的
 »he has the physique that could send a thousand female hearts aflutter.
5amniotic fluid amniotic fluid
1. [mass noun] the fluid surrounding a fetus within the amnion
• 羊水
6blood fluke blood fluke
1. another term for schistosome
• 同 schistosome
7brake fluid brake fluid
1. [mass noun] fluid used in a hydraulic brake system
• (用于液压制动器的)制动液
8bumfluff bumfluff
1. [mass noun] [Brit. informal, derogatory] the first beard growth of an adolescent
[英,非正式, 贬] (少年的)初生髭须
9cerebrospinal fluid cerebrospinal fluid
1. [mass noun] [Anatomy] clear watery fluid which fills the space between the arachnoid membrane and the pia mater
10chlorofluorocarbon chlorofluorocarbon
/ 7klC:rEJ7flJErEJ5kB:bEn , -7flC:r- , -7flEJr- , 7klEJr- /
--› see cfc
11circumfluent circumfluent
/ sE5kQmfluEnt /
1. flowing round; surrounding
• 环流的,周流的;围绕的
circumfluence noun
1. late 16th cent.: from Latin circumfluent- 'flowing around', from the verb circumfluere, from circum 'around, about' + fluere 'to flow'
12confluence confluence
/ 5kCnflu:Ens /
1. the junction of two rivers, especially rivers of approximately equal width
• (尤指宽度大致相同的)两条河流的交汇口
  an act or process of merging
• 合并,融合
 »a major confluence of the world's financial markets.
1. late Middle English: from late Latin confluentia, from Latin confluere 'flow together' (see confluent )
13confluent confluent
/ 5kCnfluEnt /
1. flowing together or merging
• 汇流的,汇合的;会合的,融合的
1. late 15th cent.: from Latin confluent- 'flowing together', from confluere, from con- 'together' + fluere 'to flow'
14conflux conflux
/ 5kCnflQks /
1. another term for confluence
• 同 confluence
1. early 17th cent.: from late Latin confluxus, from con- 'together' + fluxus (see flux )
15correction fluid correction fluid
1. [mass noun] an opaque liquid painted over a typed or written error so as to leave a blank space for the insertion of the correct character
• 修正液
16effluence effluence
/ 5efluEns /
1. a substance that flows out from something
• 流出物
  [mass noun] the action of flowing out
• 流出
1. late Middle English: from medieval Latin effluentia, from Latin effluere 'flow out', from ex- 'out' + fluere 'to flow'
17effluent effluent
/ 5eflu:Ent /
1. [mass noun] liquid waste or sewage discharged into a river or the sea
• 废水,污水
 »industrial effluent.
 »[count noun] contamination with trade effluents.
1. late Middle English (in the adjective sense 'flowing out'): from Latin effluent- 'flowing out', from the verb effluere (see effluence ). The noun dates from the mid 19th cent
18effluvium effluvium
/ i5flu:viEm /
(pl. effluvia -vɪə)
1. an unpleasant or harmful odour, secretion, or discharge
• 臭气,废气;分泌物
 »smoke and effluvia from factory chimneys.
1. mid 17th cent.: from Latin, from effluere: 'flow out'
19efflux efflux
/ 5eflQks /
1. [mass noun] (technical)the flowing out of a particular substance or particle
[技] (物质或微粒的)流出,发出,散出
  material flowing out in this way
• 流出物,散发物
1. mid 16th cent.: from medieval Latin effluxus, from effluere 'flow out'
20effluxion effluxion
/ I5flQkF(E)n /
noun, [mass noun]
1. [Law] the passing of time, in particular when leading to the expiry of an agreement or contract
[律] 期满;(时光的)消逝
2. (archaic)the action of flowing out
[古] 流出
1. early 17th cent.: from French, or from late Latin effluxio(n-), from effluere 'flow out'



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