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词根fore,英语fore,含fore的英语词汇有哪些,英语词根查询,前缀后缀|词汇|在线查询,fore 相关

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1afforest afforest
/ A5fCrist /
1. [with obj.] convert (land) into forest, especially for commercial exploitation
• (尤指为商业开发而)在(土地)上造林
  [Brit historical] bring (woodland) under the jurisdiction of forest law for the purpose of hunting
[英史] 划(林地)为狩猎林区
afforestation noun
1. early 16th cent.: from medieval Latin afforestare, from ad- 'to' (expressing change) + foresta 'forest'
2afore afore
/ E5fC: /
1. (archaic or dialect)before
[古或 方] 在…之前
1. Old English onforan (see a- , fore )
3afore- afore-
1. before ; previously
• 表示“之前”,“先前”
4aforementioned aforementioned
/ E5fC:7menFEnd , E5fEJr- /
1. denoting a thing or person previously mentioned
• (事,人)上述的
 »songs from the aforementioned album.
5aforesaid aforesaid
/ E5fC:sed /
1. another term for aforementioned
• 同 aforementioned
6aforethought aforethought
/ E5fC:WC:t /
--› see malice aforethought
7agroforestry agroforestry
/ 7AɡrEu5fCristri /
1. [mass noun] agriculture incorporating the cultivation of trees
• 经济林
8before before
/ bi5fC: /
preposition,conjunction & adverb
1. during the period of time preceding (a particular event, date, or time)[as prep.] [as adv.]
• 在(某事件、日期或时间)之前
 »she had to rest before dinner.
 »the day before yesterday.
 »[as conjunction] they lived rough for four days before they were arrested.
 »it wasn't long before I had my first bite.
 »his playing days had ended six years before.
 »it's never happened to me before.
2. in front of
• 在…前面,在…面前
 »[as prep.] Matilda stood before her, panting.
 »the patterns swam before her eyes.
 »[as adv.] trotting through the city with guards running before and behind.
  [prep.] in front of and required to answer to (a court of law, tribunal, or other authority)
• 面对(法院、法庭或其他官方机构)并受审
 »he could be taken before a magistrate for punishment.
3. in preference to; with a higher priority than
• (宁愿…)不愿,优先于
 »[as prep.] rangers are taught to put their horses' comfort before their own.
 »a woman who placed duty before all else.
 »[as conjunction] they would die before they would cooperate with each other.
1. Old English beforan (see by , fore ),of Germanic origin; related to German bevor
9beforehand beforehand
/ bi5fC:hAnd /
1. before an action or event; in advance
• 提前,预先,事先
 »rooms must be booked beforehand.
be beforehand with
1. (archaic)anticipate or forestall
[古] 预防,(以抢先行动来)防止
1. Middle English (originally as two words): from before + hand; probably influenced by Old French avant main
10Black Forest Black Forest
1. a hilly wooded region of SW Germany, lying to the east of the Rhine valley. German name Schwarzwald
• 黑林山区(德国西南部山林地区,位于莱茵河流域以东;德语名SCHWARZWALD)
11Black Forest gateau Black Forest gateau
[北美 Black Forest cake] , noun
1. a chocolate sponge having layers of morello cherries or cherry jam and whipped cream and topped with chocolate icing
• 黑森林(巧克力)蛋糕
1. Black Forest, a translation of German Schwarzwald, the name of a forested area in SW Germany
12deforest deforest
/ di5fCrist /
1. [with obj.] [常作 be deforested] clear (an area) of forests or trees
• 伐光(某地)森林,砍掉(某地)的树木
deforestation noun
13De Forest De Forest
1. Lee (1873–1961), American physicist and electrical engineer. He designed a triode valve that was crucial to the development of radio communication, television, and computers
• 德福雷斯特,李(1873–1961,美国物理学家和电气工程师,设计了对无线电通讯、电视和计算机发展至关重要的三极管)
14disafforest disafforest
/ 7disA5fCrist , disE5fCrist /
verb, [with obj.]
1. another term for deforest
• 同 deforest
2. [English Law, historical] reduce (a district) from the legal status of forest to that of ordinary land
[英格兰律史] 使(一区域)从法定森林土地变为普通土地
disafforestation noun
disafforestment noun (义项2)
1. late Middle English (in sense 2): from Anglo-Latin disafforestare
15disforest disforest
/ dis5fC:rist /
1. another term for disafforest
• 同 disafforest
disforestation noun
16flame of the forest flame of the forest
1. a tropical tree which bears showy bright red flowers, in particular. another term for flamboyant
• 一种花朵红艳的热带树木,尤指: 同 flamboyant
2. an Asian tree of the pea family [Butea monosperma, family Leguminosae] another term for flamboyant
• 单籽紫铆(拉丁名 Butea monosperma,豆科) 同 flamboyant
17fore fore
/ fC: /
1. [attrib.] situated or placed in front
• 前面的
 »the fore and hind pairs of wings.
1. the front part of something, especially a ship
• (尤指船)前部
1. called out as a warning to people in the path of a golf ball
• 躲开(高尔夫击球时警告前方人用语)
1. (也作 'fore). non-standard form of before:
[非规范] before :
 »many years will go by fore you have a Europound in your pocket.
to the fore
1. in or to a conspicuous or leading position
• 在(或进入)显著位置,在(或进入)首要位置
 »the succession issue came to the fore.
1. Old English (as a preposition, also in the sense 'before in time, previously'): of Germanic origin; related to Dutch voor and German vor. The adjective and noun represent the prefix fore- used independently (late 15th cent.)
18fore- fore-
/ fC: /
for combining
1. (added to verbs) in front
• [动词前]表示“在前面”
  beforehand; in advance
• 表示“早先”,“预先”
2. (added to nouns) situated in front of
• [名词前]表示“位于…前面”
  the front part of
• 表示“前部”
  of or near the bow of a ship
• 表示“船首,近船首”
  preceding; going before
• 表示“先前的”,“前述的”,“早先的v
1. Old English (see fore )
19fore and aft fore and aft
1. at the front and rear (often used with reference to a ship or plane)
• 头和尾(常指船或飞机)
 »we're moored fore and aft.
  backwards and forwards
• 前后
 »a sperm whale cannot see directly fore and aft.
adjective, [attrib.]
1. backwards and forwards
• 前面和后面的
 »the fore-and-aft motion of the handles.
  (historical)(of a man's hat) having three corners and a peak at the front and back
[史] (男帽)前后有檐的
  (of a sail or rigging) set lengthwise, not on the yards
• (帆,索具)纵帆的,无横帆的
 »a fore-and-aft rigged yacht.
  [N. Amer.] (of a road) constructed of logs laid end to end
[北美] (路)原木直铺的
1. early 17th cent.: perhaps translating a phrase of Low German origin; compare with Dutch van voren en van achteren
20forearm forearm
/ fC:r5B:m , fEJr- /
1. the part of a person's arm extending from the elbow to the wrist or the fingertips
• 前臂
1. [with obj.] [一般作 be forearmed] prepare (someone) in advance for danger, attack, or another undesirable future event
• 使(对危险等)预先作准备



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