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a art.一(个);每一(个);(同类事物中)任一个


[元音前用 an] , determiner
1. used when mentioning someone or something for the first time in a text or conversation
[用于第一次提及某人或某事物] 有个,某个,一个。
--› compare the
 »a man came out of the room.
 »it has been an honour to have you.
 »we need people with a knowledge of languages.
  used with units of measurement to mean one such unit
 »a hundred.
 »a quarter of an hour.
  [with negative] one single; any
• 一个,任何一个
 »I simply haven't a thing to wear.
  used when mentioning the name of someone not known to the speaker
[用于提及说话者不认识的人] 某一个
 »a Mr Smith telephoned.
  someone like (the name specified)
[与具体人名连用] 像…的人
 »you're no better than a Hitler.
2. used to indicate membership of a class of people or things
[用于表示某一类人或事物] 一个,一
 »he is a lawyer.
 »this car is a BMW.
3. in, to, or for each; per (used when expressing rates or ratios)
 »typing 60 words a minute.
 »a move to raise petrol prices by 3p a litre.
1. Middle English : weak form of Old English ān 'one'
1. On the question of using a or an before words beginning with h, see usage at an

for abbreviation
  (in travel timetables) arrives
[用于旅行时刻表] arrives
 »Penzance a 0915.
[in combination] (in units of measurement) atto- (10-18)
• (度量单位)。 (同 atto- )
  [Brit] (with reference to sporting fixtures) away
[英] (比赛的安排)。 (同 away )
 »March 15 Sheffield United (a).
  (used before a date) before
• 在…之前(用于日期之前)
for symbol
1. (a)[Physics] acceleration
[物理] 加速度

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