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bet 打赌

/ bet /

(betting;pastandpast participle bet 或 betted)
1. [noobj.] risk something, typically a sum of money, against someone else's on the basis of the outcome of a future event, such as the result of a race or game
• (就比赛等的结果)打赌,赌博
 » betting on horses.
 »I wouldn't bet against him winning.
 »[with clause] I would be prepared to bet that what he really wanted was to settle down.
 »[with obj.] most people would bet their life savings on the prospect.
 »[with obj.andclause] he bet a hundred pounds that he could complete 200 miles.
  [with obj.andclause] risk a sum of money against (someone) on the outcome or happening of a future event
• 与(某人)以钱打赌
 »[with two objs] I bet you £15 you won't chat her up.
2. [with clause] [informal] used to express certainty
[非正式] 敢说,肯定
 » I bet this place is really spooky late at night.
 »he'll be surprised to see me, I'll bet.
1. an act of risking a sum of money in this way
• 打赌,赌博
 »every Saturday she had a bet on the horses.
 » for a bet he once rode 200 miles in nine hours.
  a sum of money staked in this way
• 赌注
 »the bookies are taking bets on his possible successor.
  [with adj.] [informal] a candidate or course of action to choose, offering likelihood of success to a specified degree
[非正式] 有可能成功的人选(或备选行动)
 »Town looked a good bet for victory.
 » your best bet is to call the official liquidators.
  (one's bet)[informal] an opinion, typically one formed quickly or spontaneously
[非正式] (一时产生的)想法,感觉
 »my bet is that Liverpool won't win anything.
all bets are off
1. [informal] the outcome of a situation is unpredictable
[非正式] 世事难料
bet the farm
1. [N. Amer. informal] risk everything that one owns on a bet, investment, or enterprise
[北美,非正式] (在赌博、投资或风险事业上)孤注一掷;破釜沉舟
 »this isn't a great time to bet the farm on the Internet.
don't (或 wouldn't) bet on it
1. [informal] used to express doubt about an assertion or situation
[非正式] 这拿不准
 »he may be a suitable companion—but don't bet on it.
want to bet?
1. [informal] used to express vigorous disagreement with a confident assertion
[非正式] 敢打赌吗?(用于表示强烈不同意某种说法)
 »‘You can't be with me every moment.’ ‘Want to bet?’.
you bet
1. [informal] you may be sure; certainly
[非正式] 你放心;当然,一定
 »‘Would you like this piece of pie?’ ‘You bet!’.
1. late 16th cent.: perhaps a shortening of the obsolete noun abet 'abetment'

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