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black a.黑(色)的;黑暗的 n.黑(色);黑暗;黑人

/ blAk /

1. of the very darkest colour due to the absence of or complete absorption of light; the opposite of white
• 黑色的,乌黑的
 »black smoke.
 »her hair was black.
  (of the sky or night) completely dark due to non-visibility of the sun, moon, or stars, normally because of dense cloud cover
• (天空,夜晚)黑暗的,漆黑一片的,乌云密布的
 »the sky was moonless and black.
  deeply stained with dirt
• 很脏的,积满尘垢的
 »the walls were black with age and dirt.
  (of a plant or animal) dark in colour as distinguished from a lighter variety
• (植物,动物)黑色的,深色的
 »Japanese black pine.
  (of coffee or tea) served without milk
• (咖啡,茶)不加牛奶的,清的
  of or denoting the suits of spades and clubs in a pack of cards
• 黑桃和梅花组牌的
  (of a ski run) of the highest level of difficulty, as indicated by black markers positioned along it
• (滑雪道)标黑色的,难度最大的
2. (也作 Black)of any human group having dark-coloured skin, especially of African or Australian Aboriginal ancestry
• (尤指非洲人和澳洲土著人)皮肤黝黑的
  of or relating to black people
• (与)黑人(有关)的
 »black culture.
3. (figurative)(of a situation or period of time) characterized by tragic or disastrous events; causing despair or pessimism
[喻] (形势,时期) 暗无天日的,灾难深重的;毫无希望的,悲观的
 »five thousand men were killed on the blackest day of the war.
 »the future looks black.
  (of a person's state of mind) full of gloom or misery; very depressed
• (心境)忧郁的,悲凉的,极为沮丧的
 »Jean had disappeared and Mary was in a black mood.
  (of humour) presenting tragic or harrowing situations in comic terms
• 以幽默的形式来表现不幸遭遇的,黑色幽默的
 »‘Good place to bury the bodies,’ she joked with black humour.
  full of anger or hatred
• 怒气冲冲的;仇恨的
 »Rosy shot her a black look.
  (archaic)very evil or wicked
[古] 罪恶的,邪恶的
 »my soul is steeped in the blackest sin.
4. [Brit. dated] (of goods or work) not to be handled or undertaken by trade union members, especially so as to express support for an industrial dispute elsewhere
[英,旧] (尤指为声援他处发生的劳资纠纷中的劳方所作的表态)工会会员不得处理货物或承担工作的,工会所抵制的,工会所禁止的
 »the union declared the ship black.
1. [mass noun] black colour or pigment
• 黑色,黑漆
 »a tray decorated in black and green.
  black clothes or material, typically worn as a sign of mourning
• 丧服,黑衣服
 »only one or two of the mourners were in black.
  darkness, especially of night or an overcast sky
• (尤指夜色或阴天的)漆黑,昏暗
 »the only thing visible in the black was the light of the torch.
2. a black thing, in particular
• 黑色的东西,尤指
  the black ball in snooker
• (斯努克球戏的)黑球
  [Black] the player of the black pieces in chess or draughts
• (国际象棋或跳棋中)执黑子的一方
  [Brit. informal] blackcurrant cordial
[英, 非正式] 黑醋栗甜酒
 »a rum and black.
3. (也作 Black)a member of dark-skinned people, especially one of African or Australian Aboriginal ancestry
• (尤指有非洲或澳洲土著血统的)黑人
verb, [with obj.]
1. make black, especially by the application of black polish
• 使变成黑色,把…漆成黑色,给…涂黑色的上光剂
 »the steps of the house were neatly blacked.
  make (one's face, hands, and other visible parts of one's body) black with polish or make-up, so as not to be seen at night or to play the role of a black person in a play or film
• (为在夜里不被看见或在戏剧、电影中扮演黑人)把黑油彩抹在(脸,手等)上
 »white extras blacking up their faces to play Ethiopians.
  [noobj.] (of a television screen) show no pictures and go blank
• (电视屏幕)放不出图像,显示黑屏
2. [Brit. dated] refuse to handle (goods), undertake (work), or have dealings with (a person or business) as a way of taking industrial action
[英,旧] 抵制(货物,工作,人员,业务)
 »the printers blacked firms trying to employ women.
black someone's eye
1. hit someone in the eye so as to cause bruising
• 把某人眼眶打得青肿
in the black
1. (of a person or organization) not owing any money; solvent
• 无债务的,处于黑字地位
in someone's black books
1. [informal] in disfavour with someone
[非正式] 不受某人喜欢
look on the black side
1. [informal] view a situation from a pessimistic angle
[非正式] 看阴暗面,悲观
men in black
1. [informal] anonymous dark-clothed men who supposedly visit people who have reported an encounter with a UFO or an alien in order to prevent them publicizing it
[非正式] 黑衣人(据认为造访曾报告邂逅不明飞行物或外星人者的匿名黑衣人,目的在阻止其向公众透露消息)
not as black as one is painted
1. [informal] not as bad as one is said to be
[非正式] 不像别人说的那么坏
blackish adjective
blackly adverb
blackness noun
1. Old English blæc, of Germanic origin
1. Evidence for the use of black to refer to African peoples (and their descendants) dates back at least to the late 14th century. Although the word has been in continuous use ever since, other terms have enjoyed prominence too: in the US coloured was the term adopted in preference by emancipated slaves following the American Civil War, and coloured was itself superseded in the US in the early 20th century by Negro as the term preferred by prominent black American campaigners such as Booker T. Washington. In Britain on the other hand, coloured was the most widely used and accepted term in the 1950s and early 1960s. With the civil rights and Black Power movements of the 1960s, black was adopted by Americans of African origin to signify a sense of racial pride, and it remains the most widely used and generally accepted term in Britain today . See also African American and Afro-American
black out
1. (of a person) undergo a sudden and temporary loss of consciousness
• (人)突然失去知觉,晕眩
black something out
1. [一般作 be blacked out] extinguish all lights or completely cover windows, especially for protection against an air attack or in order to provide darkness in which to show a film
• (尤指为躲避空袭或放映电影)熄灭所有灯光;完全遮住窗户
  subject a place to an electricity failure
• 使(某地)停电
 »Chicago was blacked out yesterday after a freak flood.
2. obscure something completely so that it cannot be read or seen
• 使模糊不清
 »the number plate had been blacked out with masking tape.
  (of a television company) decide not to broadcast a disputed or controversial programme
• (电视台)决定不播送(有争议的节目)

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