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Charles Charles
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1. the name of two kings of England, Scotland, and Ireland
• 查理(英格兰、苏格兰和爱尔兰两位国王名)
  Charles I (1600–49), son of James I, reigned 1625–49. His reign was dominated by the deepening religious and constitutional crisis that resulted in the English Civil War 1642–9. After the battle of Naseby, Charles tried to regain power in alliance with the Scots, but his forces were defeated in 1648 and he was tried by a special Parliamentary court and beheaded
• 查理一世(1600-1649,詹姆斯一世之子,1625-1649年在位。统治期间,宗教和宪法危机深化,导致1642-1649年的英国内战;内兹比战役后,查理意图通过与苏格兰人结盟重掌大权,但其军队于1648年溃败,其本人遭特别议会法庭审判,后被斩首)
  Charles II (1630–85), son of Charles I, reigned 1660–85. Charles was restored to the throne after the collapse of Cromwell's regime and displayed considerable adroitness in handling the difficult constitutional situation, although continuing religious and political strife dogged his reign
• 查理二世(1630-1685,查理一世之子,1660-1685年在位;克伦威尔倒台后,查理恢复王位,宗教和政治冲突在其统治时期从未中断,但他在处理艰难的宪法危机中表现出相当的手腕)
1. the name of four kings of Spain
• 查理(西班牙四位国王名)
  Charles I (1500–58), son of Philip I, reigned 1516–56, Holy Roman emperor (as Charles V) 1519–56. His reign was characterized by the struggle against Protestantism in Germany, rebellion in Castile, and war with France (1521–44). Exhausted by these struggles, Charles handed Naples, the Netherlands, and Spain over to his son Philip II and the imperial Crown to his brother Ferdinand, and retired to a monastery
• 查理一世(1500-1558,菲利普一世之子,1516-1556年在位,1519-1556年为神圣罗马帝国皇帝,统治期间的重大事件有德国反新教斗争、卡斯蒂尔叛乱和1521-1544年的对法战争;查理因这些战争精疲力竭,决定将那不勒斯、荷兰和西班牙交给儿子菲利普二世,将皇位传于弟弟费迪南德,自己则隐居于修道院)
  Charles II (1661–1700), reigned 1665–1700. He inherited a kingdom already in a decline which he was unable to halt. His choice of Philip of Anjou, grandson of Louis XIV of France, as his successor gave rise to the War of the Spanish Succession
• 查理二世(1661-1700,1665-1700年在位,继位时国家已开始衰落,而他却无力挽回;他选择法国路易十四之孙安茹公爵菲利普为继任者,从而引起了西班牙王位继承战争)
  Charles III (1716–88), reigned 1759–88. He improved Spain's position as an international power through an increase in foreign trade, and brought Spain a brief cultural and economic revival
• 查理三世(1716-1788,1759-1788年在位。他通过对外贸易加强了西班牙的国际强国地位,给该国带来了短暂的文化和经济复苏)
  Charles IV (1748–1819), reigned 1788–1808. During the Napoleonic Wars he suffered the loss of the Spanish fleet, destroyed along with that of France at Trafalgar in 1805. Following the French invasion of Spain in 1807, Charles was forced to abdicate
• 查理四世(1748-1819,1788-1808年在位;他于1805年在拿破仑战争中丧失了西班牙舰队,该舰队同法国舰队一起在特拉法尔加之战中被摧毁;1807年法国入侵西班牙后,查理四世被迫退位)
1. the name of seven Holy Roman emperors
• 查理(七位神圣罗马帝国皇帝名)
  Charles I
• 见 Charlemagne
  Charles II (823–877), reigned 875–877
• 查理二世(公元823-877,公元875-877年在位)
  Charles III (839–888), reigned 881–887
• 查理三世(公元839-888,881-887年在位)
  Charles IV (1316–1378), reigned 1355–1378
• 查理四世(1316-1378,1355-1378年在位)
  Charles V. Charles I of Spain
• 查理五世(即西班牙查理一世) [见 Charles]
  Charles VI (1685–1740), reigned 1711–40. His claim to the Spanish throne instigated the War of the Spanish Succession, but he was ultimately unsuccessful. He drafted the Pragmatic Sanction in an attempt to ensure that his daughter succeeded to the Habsburg dominions; this triggered the War of the Austrian Succession after his death
• 查理六世(1685-1740,1711-1740年在位;他对西班牙王位的争夺挑起了西班牙王位继承战争,最终失败;他为确保其女继承哈布斯堡领地而起草的国事诏书在他死后引发了奥地利王位继承战争)
  Charles VII (1697–1745), reigned 1742–45
• 查理七世(1697-1745,1742-1745年在位)
1. Ray (b. 1930), American pianist and singer; born Ray Charles Robinson. Totally blind from the age of 6, he drew on blues, jazz, and country music for songs such as ‘What'd I Say’ (1959), ‘Georgia on my Mind’ (1960), and ‘Busted’ (1963)
• 查尔斯,雷(生于1930年,美国钢琴家,歌手,出生名雷•查尔斯•鲁宾逊;六岁起全盲,他将蓝调、爵士和乡村音乐运用于歌曲创作中,如《我该说什么》[1959],《心中的乔治娅》[1960]和《分文不名》[1963])

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