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I pron.(主格)我

/ ai /

(也作 i), (pl. Is 或 I's)
1. the ninth letter of the alphabet
• 英语字母表中第九个字母
  denoting the next after H in a set of items, categories, etc
• I项,I类(一组项目、分类中的第九位)
2. the Roman numeral for one
• (罗马数字)一
dot the i's and cross the t's
--› see dot

1. [first person singular] used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself
• 我
 »accept me for what I am.
  [W. Indian] me
[西印度] 我(用作宾格)
 »Junior tell I is the army him a'work for.
  (也作 I and I, I man)[W. Indian] (especially among Rastafarians) used in reference to oneself or to people in general
[西印度] [用于指自己或用作人的通称](尤在塔法里教徒中)我,人们
 »I and I must submit to and follow Jah.
1. (the I)[Philosophy] (in metaphysics) the subject or object of self-consciousness; the ego
[哲] (形而上学用语)自我意识;自我
1. Old English, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch ik and German ich, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin ego and Greek egō
1. Why is it incorrect to say between you and Irather than between you and meWhy is it also incorrect to say John and me went to the shopsinstead of John and I went to the shopsIs it correct or incorrect to say she's much better than me or should it be she's much better than IFor a discussion of such questions, see usage at between and personal pronoun

for abbreviation
  [I.] Island(s) or Isle(s) (chiefly on maps)
• (多见于地图)同 Island或 Islands;同 Isle 或 Isles
  Italy (international vehicle registration)
• 同 Italy (国际车辆注册用语)
for symbol
1. electric current
• 电流
 »V = I/R.
  the chemical element iodine
• (化学元素)碘

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