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Miss n.小姐 vt.未击中;未看到;未赶上;惦念

/ mis /

verb, [with obj.]
1. fail to hit, reach, or come into contact with (something aimed at)
• 未击中;未够到;未接触到
 »a laser-guided bomb had missed its target.
 »[no obj.] he shot twice at the cashier, but missed both times.
  pass by without touching; chance not to hit
• 未碰到;碰巧未击中
 »a piece of shrapnel missed him by inches.
  fail to catch (something thrown or dropped)
• 未抓住
  be too late to catch (a passenger vehicle or the post)
• 未赶上(车,邮班)
 »we'll miss the train if he doesn't hurry.
  fail to notice, hear, or understand
• 未注意到;未听到;未理解
 »the villa is impossible to miss—it's right by the road.
  fail to attend, participate in, or watch (something one is expected to do or habitually does)
• 未出席;未参加;未观看
 »teachers were supposed to report those students who missed class that day.
  fail to see or have a meeting with (someone)
• 未看到;未能与…会面
 »‘Potter's been here this morning?’ ‘You've just missed him.’.
  not be able to experience or fail to take advantage of (an opportunity or chance)
• 未能体验;错过(机会,机遇),失却
 »don't miss the chance to visit the breathtaking Dolomites.
 »[no obj.] he failed to recover from a leg injury and missed out on a trip to Barcelona.
   avoid ; escape
• 避开;逃脱,幸免于
 »Christmas shoppers go out early to miss the crowds.
  fail to include (someone or something); omit
• 漏掉;略去,省掉
 »I'm sure Guy will fill in any bits I missed out.
  (of a woman) fail to have (a monthly period)
• (妇女)未按时来经
  [no obj.] (of an engine or motor vehicle) undergo failure of ignition in one or more cylinders
• (引擎,机动车)不发火,缺火,失火
2. notice the loss or absence of
• 发觉遗失;发觉…不在或缺少
 »he's rich—he won't miss the money.
 »she slipped away when she thought she wouldn't be missed.
  feel regret or sadness at no longer being able to enjoy the presence of
• 惦念;想念
 »she misses all her old friends.
  feel regret or sadness at no longer being able to go to, do, or have
• 怀念;因不能做(或有)…而感遗憾
 »I still miss France and I wish I could go back.
1. a failure to hit, catch, or reach something
• 不中;漏抓;不及
 »the penalty miss cost us the game.
  a failure, especially an unsuccessful record or film
• 失败(尤指唱片或电影不成功)
 »it is the public who decide whether a film is a hit or a miss.
give something a miss
1. [Brit. informal] decide not to do or have something
[英,非正式] 不予理会;不要
 »we decided to give the popcorn a miss.
miss a beat
1. (of the heart) temporarily fail or appear to fail to beat
• (心脏)跳动(似乎)暂停
2. [usu. with negative] [informal] hesitate or falter, especially in demanding circumstances or when making a transition from one activity to another
[非正式] (尤指在严峻情况或活动间的过渡期间)犹豫,踌躇
 »the Swiss handle metres of snow without missing a beat.
miss the boat [或bus]
1. [informal] be too slow to take advantage of an opportunity
[非正式] (行动过慢而)错过机会
 »people who've been holding off buying anything in case prices drop further could find they've missed the boat.
a miss is as good as a mile
1. (proverb)the fact of failure or escape is not affected by the narrowness of the margin
[谚] 失败再小,终究是失败;错误再小,总归是错误
not miss a trick
1. [informal] never fail to take advantage of a situation
[非正式] 不错失任何机会
missable adjective
1. Old English missan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch and German missen
1. [Miss] a title prefixed to the name of an unmarried woman or girl, or to that of a married woman retaining her maiden name for professional purposes
• [用在未婚女子姓名前,或出于职业原因保留原姓名的已婚女子姓名前作为称呼]小姐
 »Miss Hazel Armstrong.
  used in the title of the winner in a beauty contest
• [用于选美比赛获奖者称号]小姐
 »Miss World.
  used as a polite form of address to a young woman or to a waitress or female shop assistant
• [用作对年轻女子、女服务员、女店员的礼貌称呼]小姐
 »‘Where will you be staying in England, miss?’ asked the Immigration man.
  (chiefly Brit.)used by children in addressing a female teacher
[主英] [用于小孩对女性老师的称呼]老师
 »please, Miss, can I be excused hockey?
2. (often derogatory or humorous)a girl or young woman, especially one regarded as silly or headstrong
[常贬或幽默] 傻姑娘
 »there was none of the country bumpkin about this young miss.
missish adjective
1. (义项2)
1. mid 17th cent.: abbreviation of mistress
1. [informal] a miscarriage
[非正式] 流产;失败

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