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orange a.橙色的,赤黄色的 n.橙色,赤黄色


1. a large round juicy citrus fruit with a tough bright reddish-yellow rind
• 柑橘,橙
  [mass noun] a drink made from or flavoured with orange
• 橘子水,橙汁
 »a vodka and orange.
2. (也作 orange tree)the leathery-leaved evergreen tree which bears this fruit, native to warm regions of south and SE Asia. Oranges are a major commercial crop in many warm regions of the world
• 橙树,柑树,橘树
3. Genus Citrus, family Rutaceae: several species, in particular the sweet orange [C. sinensis] and the Seville orange
• 柑橘属,芸香科:众多种,尤指甜橙(拉丁名C. sinensis)和酸橙
  used in names of other plants with similar fruit or flowers, e.g. mock orange
• 类似柑橘的植物,如山梅花
4. [mass noun] a bright reddish-yellow colour like that of the skin of a ripe orange
• 橙黄色,橘黄色
5. [with modifier] a butterfly with mainly or partly orange wings
• 橙黄色蝴蝶
6. Several species in the family Pieridae, in particular American species in the genera Colias and Eurema
• 粉蝶科中数种,尤指豆粉蝶属和黄粉蝶属的美国种
1. reddish yellow, like a ripe orange in colour
• 橙黄色的
 »an orange glow in the sky.
orangey adjective
1. (也作 orangy)
orangish adjective
1. late Middle English: from Old French orenge (in the phrase pomme d'orenge), based on Arabic nāranj, from Persian nārang

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