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secondary 次要的

/ 5sekEndEri /

1. coming after, less important than, or resulting from someone or something else that is primary
• 第二的;第二位的;副的
 »luck plays a role, but it's ultimately secondary to local knowledge.
  of or relating to education for children from the age of eleven to sixteen or eighteen
• (与)中等教育(有关)的
 »a secondary school.
  having a reversible chemical reaction and therefore able to store energy
• (化学反应)副的;二代的
  relating to or denoting the output side of a device using electromagnetic induction, especially in a transformer
• (电)次级的
2. [Secondary] [Geology] . former term for Mesozoic
[地质] Mesozoic
3. [Chemistry] (of an organic compound) having its functional group located on a carbon atom which is bonded to two other carbon atoms
[化] (有机化合物)二代的
  (chiefly of amines) derived from ammonia by replacement of two hydrogen atoms by organic groups
• (主指胺)仲的
(pl. -ies)
1. short for
  [Brit.] a secondary school
[英] secondary school 的简称
  [Ornithology] a secondary feather
[鸟] secondary feather 的简称
  a secondary coil or winding in an electrical transformer
• 变压器中的次级线圈
2. (the Secondary)[Geology, dated] the Secondary or Mesozoic era
[地质旧] 中生代
secondarily adverb
secondariness noun
1. late Middle English: from Latin secundarius 'of the second quality or class', from secundus (see second )

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