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territory 领土

/ 5teritEri /

(pl. -ies)
1. an area of land under the jurisdiction of a ruler or state
• 领土,版图,领地
 »the government was prepared to give up the nuclear weapons on its territory.
 »[mass noun] sorties into enemy territory.
  [Zoology] an area defended by an animal or group of animals against others of the same sex or species
[动] 领域地盘。
--› compare home range
  an area defended by a team or player in a game or sport
• (体育比赛中的)防守区
  an area in which one has certain rights or for which one has responsibility with regard to a particular type of activity
• 属地;辖地
 »don't go committing murders on my territory.
  [mass noun] (figurative)an area of knowledge, activity, or experience
[喻] (知识、活动、经验的)领域,范围
 »the contentious territory of clinical standards.
 »the way she felt now—she was in unknown territory.
  [mass noun] [with adj. or noun modifier] land with a specified characteristic
• (具有某种特性的)地区,地方
 »woodland territory.
2. [Territory] (especially in the US, Canada, or Australia) an organized division of a country that is not yet admitted to the full rights of a state
• (美国的)准州;(加拿大的)地方;(澳大利亚的)区
go (或 come) with the territory
1. be an unavoidable result of a particular situation
• 是免不了的,是意料中的
1. late Middle English: from Latin territorium, from terra 'land'. The word originally denoted the district surrounding and under the jurisdiction of a town or city, specifically a Roman or provincial city

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