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account 账户

/ E5kaunt /

1. a report or description of an event or experience
• 报道,记述
 »a detailed account of what has been achieved.
  an interpretation or rendering of a piece of music
• 演奏(音乐)
 »a lively account of Offenbach's score.
2. a record or statement of financial expenditure and receipts relating to a particular period or purpose
• 账;账目
 »the barman was doing his accounts.
 »he submitted a quarterly account.
  [Accounts] the department of a company that deals with such records
• 会计科
  (chiefly Brit.)a bill taking the form of such a record
[主英] 账单
 »there's no money to pay the tradesmen's accounts this month.
3. an arrangement by which a body holds funds on behalf of a client or supplies goods or services to them on credit
• 账户;赊购账
 »a bank account.
 »charge it to my account.
 »I began buying things on account.
  a client having such an arrangement with a supplier
• (记账交易)客户
 »selling bibles to established accounts in the North.
  a contract to do work periodically for a client
• (定期结付的)交易合同
 »another agency were awarded the account.
  [Stock Exchange, Brit.] a fixed period on a stock exchange, at the end of which payment must be made for stock that has been bought
[股票英] 账期交易期
4. [mass noun] importance
• 重要性
 »money was of no account to her.
1. [with obj. and complement] consider or regard in a specified way
• 认为,看作
 »her visit could not be accounted a success.
 »he accounted himself the unluckiest man alive.
2. [no obj.] (archaic)give or receive an account for money received
[古] 报账
 »after 1292 he accounted to the Westminster exchequer.
by (或 from) all accounts
1. according to what one has heard or read
• 根据各种流传的说法
 »by all accounts he is a pretty nice guy.
call (或 bring) someone to account
1. require someone to explain a mistake or poor performance
• 要求解释错误(或失误)
give a good (或 bad) account of oneself
1. make a favourable (or unfavourable) impression through one's performance
• 表现出色(或拙劣)
keep an account of
1. keep a record of
• 记录
leave something out of account
1. fail or decline to consider a factor
• 未能(或不予)考虑
money of account
1. denominations of money used in reckoning but not current as coins
• 记账货币
on someone's account
1. for a specified person's benefit
• 为(某人)着想
 »don't bother on my account.
on account of
1. because of
• 因为,由于
on no account
1. under no circumstances
• 决不,绝对不
 »on no account let anyone know we're interested.
on one's own account
1. with one's own money or assets, rather than for an employer or client
• 靠自己(的钱财)
 »he began trading on his own account.
settle (或 square) accounts with
1. pay money owed to (someone)
• 与(某人)结清账目
  have revenge on
• 向…报复,跟…算账
take something into account (或 take account of)
1. consider a specified thing along with other factors before reaching a decision or taking action
• (在决定或行动之前)将…考虑进去
there's no accounting for tastes (或 taste)
1. (proverb)it's impossible to explain why different people like different things, especially those things which the speaker considers unappealing
[谚] 萝卜青菜,各有所爱
turn something to good account
1. turn something to one's advantage
• 利用;善用
1. Middle English (in the sense 'counting', 'to count'): from Old French acont (noun), aconter (verb), based on conter 'to count'
account for
1. give a satisfactory record of (something, typically money, that one is responsible for)
• (尤指对自己掌管的钱财)作出满意说明
  provide or serve as a satisfactory explanation or reason for
• 解释;说明
 »he was brought before the Board to account for his behaviour.
  [一般作 be accounted for] know the fate or whereabouts of (someone or something), especially after an accident
• (尤指事故发生后)查明…的命运(或下落)
 »everyone was accounted for after the floods.
  succeed in killing, destroying, or defeating
• 杀死,消灭;击败
 »a mishit drive accounted for Jones, who had scored 32.
2. supply or make up (a specified amount or proportion)
• 提供;构成(数量,比例)
 »social security accounts for about a third of total public spending.

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