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any a.(用于否定句、疑问句等)什么,一些;任何的

/ 5eni /

determiner & pronoun
1. [usu. with negativeor in questions] used to refer to one or some of a thing or number of things, no matter how much or how many
[指事物的量,不论多少] 任何
 »[as determiner] I don't have any choice.
 »do you have any tips to pass on?
 »[as pronoun] you don't know any of my friends.
 »if there is any left throw it away.
• 任何人
 »it ceased payments to any but the aged.
2. whichever of a specified class might be chosen
• 任何一个
 »[as determiner] these constellations are visible at any hour of the night.
 »[as pronoun] the illness may be due to any of several causes.
1. [usu. with negativeor in questions] [as submodifier] at all; in some degree (used for emphasis)
• 在任何程度上; 一点儿也不,压根儿都没有(用于强调)
 »he wasn't any good at basketball.
 »no one would be any the wiser.
  [US informal] used alone, not qualifying another word
[美, 非正式] [单独使用] 多少,压根儿
 »I didn't hurt you any.
any amount of
--› see amount
any more (也作 anymore)
1. [usu. with negativeor in questions] to any further extent; any longer
• 再;还
 »she refused to listen any more.
any old --› see old
any time (也作 anytime)
1. at whatever time
• 不论何时
 »she can come any time.
any time (day 或 minute 等) now
1. [informal] very soon
[非正式] 很快地
 »we'll get them back any day now.
be not having any (of it)
1. [informal] be unwilling to cooperate
[非正式] 不愿合作的,不肯配合的
 »I tried to make polite conversation, but he wasn't having any.
hardly any --› see hardly
not just any ——
1. a particular or special thing of its type rather than any ordinary one of that type
• 不是一般的…:
 »he had an acting job at last, and not just any part, but the lead in a new film.
1. Old English ǣnig (see one , -y ),of Germanic origin; related to Dutch eenig and German einig
1. When used as a pronoun any can be used with either a singular or a plural verb, depending on the context we needed more sugar but there wasn't any left singular verb) or are any of the new videos available? plural verb)

包含any 前缀 后缀 任意例句





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