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aspect n.(问题等的)方面

/ 5Aspekt /

1. a particular part or feature of something
• (事物的某一)方面,特定部分;特点
 »personal effectiveness in all aspects of life.
 »the financial aspect can be overstressed.
  a particular way in which something may be considered
• 考虑事物的方式
 »from every aspect theirs was a changing world.
  [in sing.,with modifier] a particular appearance or quality
• 外表,特性
 »the air of desertion lent the place a sinister aspect.
 »[mass noun] a man of decidedly foreign aspect.
2. [usu. in sing.] the positioning of a building or thing in a particular direction
• (建筑物等的)方向
 »a greenhouse with a southern aspect.
  the side of a building facing a particular direction
• (建筑物朝某一方向的)一面
 »the front aspect of the hotel was unremarkable.
  [Astrology] any of a number of particular angular relationships between one celestial body or point on the ecliptic and another
[占星] 黄道中一天体和另一天体之间的角度关系(或相对位置);方位
 »the sun in Aries formed an adverse aspect with Uranus in Capricorn.
3. [mass noun] [Grammar] a grammatical category or form which expresses the way in which time is denoted by the verb
 »the semantics of tense and aspect.
 »[count noun] four verbal aspects.
4. There are three aspects in English, the progressive or continuous aspect (expressing duration, typically using the auxiliary verb be with a form in -ing, as in I was reading a book), the perfect or perfective (expressing completed action, typically using the auxiliary verb have with a past participle, as in I have read the book), and unmarked aspect (as in he reads books)
1. [with obj.] [常作 be aspected] [Astrology] (of a planet) form an aspect with (another celestial body)
[占星] (行星与另一天体)形成角度关系(或相对方位)
 »the sun is superbly aspected by your ruler Mars on the 19th.
aspectual adjective
1. late Middle English (denoting the action or a way of looking at something): from Latin aspectus, from aspicere 'look at', from ad- 'to, at' + specere 'to look'

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