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attack v./n.攻击,抨击;着手,开始 n.(病)发作

/ E5tAk /

verb, [with obj.]
1. take aggressive action against (a place or enemy forces) with weapons or armed force, typically in a battle or war
• (战争中的武力)进攻,攻击
 »in February the Germans attacked Verdun.
 »[no obj.] the terrorists did not attack again until March.
  (of a person or animal) act against (someone or something) aggressively in an attempt to injure or kill
• (人,动物)袭击
 »a doctor was attacked by two youths.
  (of a disease, chemical, or insect) act harmfully on
• (疾病、化学物质或昆虫)侵袭;侵害
 »HIV is thought to attack certain cells in the brain.
  criticize or oppose fiercely and publicly
• 严厉批评,公开抨击
 »he attacked the government's defence policy.
  begin to deal with (a problem or task) in a determined and vigorous way
• 狠抓,大力处理(问题,工作)
 »a plan of action to attack unemployment.
  [no obj.] make an aggressive or forceful attempt to score a goal or point or gain or exploit an advantage in a game against an opposing team or player
• (体育比赛中为进球、得分等)发起进攻
 »Crystal Palace attacked swiftly down the left.
 »[as adj. attacking] Leeds showed some good attacking play.
  [with obj.] [Chess] move into or be in a position to capture (an opponent's piece or pawn)
[棋] 向(某个子)进攻
1. an aggressive and violent act against a person or place
• 攻击,袭击,进攻
 »he was killed in an attack on a checkpoint.
 »three classrooms were gutted in the arson attack.
  [mass noun] destructive action by a disease, chemical, or insect
• (疾病、化学物质或昆虫的)侵袭;侵害
 »the tissue is open to attack by fungus.
  a sudden short bout of an illness or stress
• (疾病或紧张情绪的)突然发作
 »an attack of nausea.
 »an asthma attack.
  an instance of fierce public criticism or opposition
• 严厉批评,公开抨击
 »he launched a stinging attack on the Prime Minister.
  a determined attempt to tackle a problem or task
• 对问题或工作的处理,着手解决
 »an attack on inflation.
  [mass noun] [Music] the manner of beginning to play or sing a passage
[乐] 起奏;起声
  [mass noun] forceful and decisive style in performing music or another art
• (演奏音乐或艺术表演的)有力;果断
 »the sheer attack of Hendrix's playing.
  an aggressive attempt to score a goal, win points, or gain or exploit an advantage in a game
• (体育比赛中为进球、得分等而发起的)进攻
  the players in a team who are in the position of trying to score a goal or win points
• 进攻队员,得分手
 »Baxter was recalled to the attack.
  [Chess] a threat to capture an opponent's piece or pawn
[棋] (向对方某个子的)进攻
under attack
1. subject to aggressive, violent, or harmful action
• 遭到攻击
 »the north-western suburbs came under attack in the latest fighting.
1. early 17th cent.: from French attaque (noun), attaquer (verb), from Italian attacco 'an attack', attaccare 'join battle', based on an element of Germanic origin (see attach )

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