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band 乐队

/ bAnd /

1. a flat, thin strip or loop of material, typically one used to fasten things together, to reinforce something, or as decoration
• 带
  [Ornithology, N. Amer.] a ring of metal placed round a bird's leg to identify it
[鸟北美] (套在鸟腿上)标记环
  a plain ring for the finger, especially a gold wedding ring
• 戒指(尤指黄金婚戒)
  (bands)a collar with two hanging strips, worn by certain lawyers, clerics, and academics as part of their formal dress
• (律师、牧师及学者袍服上)带有两条饰带的衣领
  a belt or strap transmitting motion between two wheels or pulleys
• 传动带
2. a stripe, line, or elongated area of a different colour, texture, or composition from its surroundings
• (颜色、质地或成分不同的)线,带、片
 »a long, narrow band of cloud.
  a narrow stratum of rock or coal
• (岩石或煤)狭层
3. a range of values or a specified category within a series (used especially in financial contexts)
• [尤用于金融]类别,级
 »your home was placed in one of eight valuation bands.
  a range of frequencies or wavelengths in a spectrum
• 波段;频带
 »channels in the UHF band.
  any of several groups into which school pupils of the same age are divided on the basis of broadly similar ability
• (根据能力对同龄学生划分的)级,等
 »the top band of pupils.
4. (archaic)a thing that restrains, binds, or unites
[古] (用于束缚的)带状物
 »must I fall, and die in bands?
1. [with obj.] [一般作 be banded] surround (an object) with something in the form of a strip or ring, typically for reinforcement or decoration
• 缠;给…上箍(尤用于加固或装饰)
 »doors are banded with iron to make them stronger.
  [Ornithology, N. Amer.] put a band on (a bird) for identification
[鸟北美] 给(鸟)戴标记环
2. mark (something) with a stripe or stripes of a different colour
• (用不同颜色)做条纹标记
 »the bird's bill is banded across the middle with black.
 »[as adj. banded] banded agate.
3. allocate to a range or category (used especially in financial contexts)
• [尤用于金融]分类
 »single adults in a property banded above D will pay more.
  group (school pupils) into classes or sets for teaching purposes
• (为教学目的将学生)划分等级
1. late Old English (in sense 4), from Old Norse, reinforced in late Middle English by Old French bande, of Germanic origin; related to bind
1. a group of people who have a common interest or purpose or who are characterized by a common feature
• (有共同兴趣或特点的)人群,队
 »a band of eminent British researchers.
  [Anthropology] a subgroup of a tribe
[人类学] 子群,部落
2. a group of musicians who play together, in particular
• 乐队,尤指
  a small group of musicians and vocalists who play pop, jazz, or rock music
• 一组表演流行音乐、爵士乐或摇滚乐的乐手和歌手
  a group of musicians who play brass, wind, or percussion instruments
• 一组演奏铜管乐器或打击乐器的音乐家
  [informal] orchestra
[非正式] 管弦乐队
3. [N. Amer.] a herd or flock
  moving bands of caribou。
1. [no obj.] (of people or organizations) form a group for a mutual purpose, especially to campaign for a common cause
  local people banded together to fight the company。
• (尤指人或机构为共同目标)联合
1. late Middle English : from Old French bande, of Germanic origin; related to banner

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