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bar n.棍,闩;酒吧;障碍;(光、色等的)带、条

/ bB: /

1. a long rod or rigid piece of wood, metal, or similar material, typically used as an obstruction, fastening, or weapon
• (木、金属等)长杆,棒(尤指用作障碍、系结物或武器)
  an amount of food or another substance formed into a regular narrow block
• (食物等)块,条
 » a bar of chocolate.
  a band of colour or light, especially on a flat surface
• (尤指平面上颜色或光形成的)束,道
 »bars of sunlight shafting through the broken windows.
  [Brit.] the heating element of an electric fire
[英] 电炉供热电阻丝
  (the bar)the crossbar of a goal
• 球门横梁
  [Brit.] a metal strip below the clasp of a medal, awarded as an additional distinction
[英] (奖章扣下面表示特殊荣誉)金属勋带
  a sandbank or shoal at the mouth of a harbour or an estuary
• 沙洲,浅滩
  [Brit.] a rail marking the end of each chamber in the Houses of Parliament
[英] (议院中议员席末端的)围栏
  [Heraldry] a charge in the form of a narrow horizontal stripe across the shield
[纹章] (盾形纹章上)横条纹图记
2. a counter in a public house, restaurant, or cafe across which alcoholic drinks or refreshments are served
• (酒吧、餐馆提供酒或食物的)柜台,吧台
  a room in a public house, restaurant, or hotel in which alcohol is served
• (旅馆、餐馆或酒店中)酒吧间
  an establishment where alcohol and sometimes other refreshments are served
• 酒柜;餐柜
  [with modifier] a small shop or stall serving refreshments or providing a specified service
• 小食品店;食品柜;专柜
 »a sandwich bar.
  a specialized department in a large store
• (大型商店里)专卖部
3. a barrier or restriction to an action or advance
• 障碍;限制
 »political differences are not necessarily a bar to a good relationship.
4. [Music] any of the short sections or measures, typically of equal time value, into which a piece of music is divided, shown on a score by vertical lines across the stave
[乐] (尤指长短相同的)小节
  (chiefly N. Amer.). short for bar line
[主北美] bar line 的简称
5. (the bar)a partition in a court room, now usually notional, beyond which most people may not pass and at which an accused person stands
• (法庭中的)法庭围栏;被告席
 »the prisoner at the bar.
  a similar partition in a legislative assembly
• (立法会议上的)围栏
  a plea arresting an action or claim in a law case
• (足以使诉讼中止的)抗辩
  a particular court of law
• 特殊法庭
6. (the Bar)the profession of barrister
• 出庭律师业
  [Brit.] barristers collectively
[英] [总称]出庭律师
  [N. Amer.] lawyers collectively
[北美] 律师(总称)
(barred, barring), [with obj.]
1. fasten (something, especially a door or window) with a bar or bars
• (用横木)闩(门、窗等)
 »she bolts and bars the door.
  [一般作 be barred] prevent or forbid the entrance, movement, or progress of
• 阻拦
 »all reporters were barred.
 »boulders barred her passage.
  prohibit (someone) from doing something
• 禁止(某人做某事)
 »journalists had been barred from covering the elections.
  forbid (an activity) to someone
• 禁止(某人)参加
 »the job she loved had been barred to her.
  exclude (something) from consideration
• 不予考虑
 »nothing is barred in the crime novel.
  [Law] prevent or delay (an action) by objection
[律] 通过提出反对防止(或延迟)发生
2. [一般作 be barred] mark (something) with bars or stripes
• 做条纹标记
 »his face was barred with light.
1. (chiefly Brit.)except for; apart from
[主英] 除了
 »everyone, bar a few ascetics, thinks it desirable.
  [Horse Racing, Brit.] except the horses indicated (used when stating the odds)
[赛马英] [用于表述几率]除了标明的马
bar none
1. with no exceptions
• 所有,全部
 »the greatest living American poet bar none.
be called (或 go) to the Bar
1. [Brit.] be admitted as a barrister
[英] 取得律师资格
be called within the Bar
1. [Brit.] be appointed a Queen's Counsel
[英] 被任命为王室法律顾问
behind bars
1. in prison
• 在监狱里
barred adjective
 »barred windows.
 »[in combination] a five-barred gate.
1. Middle English : from Old French barre (noun), barrer (verb), of unknown origin
1. a unit of pressure equivalent to a hundred thousand newtons per square metre or approximately one atmosphere
• 巴(压强单位,相当于每平方米十万牛顿,近1个大气压)
1. early 20th cent.: from Greek baros 'weight'

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