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bare 光秃秃的

/ bZE /

1. (of a person or part of the body) not clothed or covered
• (人或部分身体)赤裸的
 »he was bare from the waist up.
 »she padded in bare feet towards the door.
  without the appropriate, usual, or natural covering
• 光秃秃的
 »leaf fall had left the trees bare.
 »bare floorboards.
  without the appropriate or usual contents
• 空荡荡的
 »a bare cell with just a mattress.
2. without addition; basic and simple
• 不加修饰的;基本的
 »he outlined the bare essentials of the story.
  [attrib.] only just sufficient
• 勉强的,刚刚够的
 »a bare majority.
  [attrib.] surprisingly small in number or amount
• 极少的,仅仅的
 »all you need to get started with this program is a bare 10K bytes of memory.
1. [with obj.] uncover (a part of the body or other thing) and expose it to view
• 使(部分身体等)裸露
 »he bared his chest to show his scar.
bare all
1. take off all one's clothes and display oneself to others
• 赤身裸体,一丝不挂
the bare bones
1. the basic facts about something, without any detail
• 基本事实;梗概
 »the bare bones of the plot.
bare of
1. without
• 没有,缺少
 »the interior was bare of plaster.
bare one's soul
1. reveal one's innermost secrets and feelings to someone
• 袒露心灵
bare one's teeth
1. show one's teeth, typically when angry
• (尤指愤怒)张牙咧嘴
with one's bare hands
1. without using tools or weapons
• 赤手空拳
bareness noun
1. Old English bær (noun), barian (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch baar

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