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beat v.(接连地)打,击;心脏等跳动;打败,战胜

/ bi:t /

(past beat;past participle beaten ), [with obj.]
1. strike (a person or an animal) repeatedly and violently so as to hurt or injure them, typically with an implement such as a club or whip
• (用棍棒、鞭子等)猛抽,狠揍
 »she beat me with a stick for the slightest misdemeanour.
  strike (an object) repeatedly so as to make a noise
• 反复敲打(使发出声音)
 »he beat the table with his hand.
  [noobj.] (of an instrument) make a rhythmical sound through being struck
• (乐器)发出有节奏的声音
 »drums were beating in the distance.
  strike (a carpet, blanket, etc.) repeatedly in order to remove dust
• (为除去灰尘)拍打(地毯、毛毯等)
  remove (dust) from something by striking it repeatedly
• 拍去,掸(灰尘)
  flatten or shape (metal) striking it repeatedly with a hammer
• 锤平(金属),锻造,锻打
 »pure gold can be beaten out to form very thin sheets.
  (beat something against/on)strike something against (something)
• 用…打(或敲、击)
 »she beat her fists against the wood.
  [noobj.] (beat on/against)strike repeatedly on
• 接连地打(或敲、击)
 »Sidney beat on the door with the flat of his hand.
  [noobj.] (beat at)make striking movements towards
• 朝…打去(或击去)
 »Emmie seized the hearthrug and began to beat at the flames.
  move across (an area of land) repeatedly striking at the ground cover in order to raise game birds for shooting
• 在(土地)上走动并拍打地被(以惊起鸟类供射猎)
2. defeat (someone) in a game or other competitive situation
• (在比赛、竞争中)战胜,击败
 »she beat him easily at chess.
 »Juventus were beaten 2–1.
  [informal] baffle
[非正式] 难倒,把…搞懵
 » it beats me how you manage to work in this heat.
  overcome (a problem or disease)
• 战胜(疾病),解决(问题)
 »the battle to beat car crime.
 »he beat heroin addiction in 1992.
  do or be better than (a record or score)
• 打破(记录)
 »he beat his own world record.
  [informal] be better than
[非正式] 比…强,胜过
 » you can't beat the taste of fresh raspberries.
3. succeed in getting somewhere ahead of (someone)
• 领先(某人),抢先
 »the defender beat him to the ball.
  take action to avoid (difficult or inconvenient effects of an event or circumstance)
• 避开…(带来的困难或不便)
 »they set off early to beat the traffic.
4. [noobj.] (of the heart) pulsate
• (心脏)搏动,跳动
 »her heart beat faster with panic.
5. (of a bird) move (the wings) up and down
• (鸟)扑动(翅膀)
  (of a bird or its wings) make rhythmic movements through (the air)
• (鸟在空中)振翅飞行
  [noobj.] (of a bird) fly making rhythmic wing movements
• (鸟)振翅飞动
 »an owl beat low over the salt marsh.
6. stir (cooking ingredients) vigorously to make a smooth or frothy mixture
• 搅拌,混合(烹调配料)
7. (beat it)[informal] leave
[非正式] 离开,走开
 »[inimperative] now beat it, will you!.
8. [noobj., with adverbial of direction] [Sailing] sail into the wind, following a zigzag course with repeated tacking
[航海] 以之字形航线抢风航行
 »we beat southwards all that first day.
1. a main accent or rhythmic unit in music or poetry
• (音乐的)节拍,拍子;(诗歌中的)强音,扬音
 »the glissando begins on the second beat.
  a strong rhythm in popular music
• (流行音乐的)强节奏
 »the music changed to a funky disco beat.
  [insing.] a regular, rhythmic sound or movement
• 有节奏的声响,拍动,振动
 »the beat of the wipers became almost hypnotic.
  the sound made when something, especially a musical instrument, is struck
• (尤指乐器的)击打声,拨动声
 »he heard a regular drum beat.
  a pulsation of the heart
• 心跳,脉动
  a periodic variation of sound or amplitude due to the combination of two sounds, electrical signals, or other vibrations having similar but not identical frequencies
• 拍音,差拍
  the movement of a bird's wings
• (鸟的)振翅,振羽
2. an area allocated to a police officer and patrolled on foot
• (警察的)巡区
 »his beat was in North London.
 »public clamour for more policemen on the beat.
  a spell of duty allocated to a police officer
• (警察的)值勤(时间)
 »his beat ended at 6 a.m.
  an area regularly frequented by someone, especially a prostitute
• (尤指妓女)常去的地方,地盘
  (figurative)a person's area of interest
[喻] 兴趣(范围)
 »his beat is construction, property, and hotels.
  an area regularly occupied by a shoal of freshwater fish
• (淡水鱼群的)出没区
  a stretch of water fished by an angler
• 钓鱼水域
3. a brief pause or moment of hesitation, typically one lasting a specified length
• (短暂的)停顿;(片刻的)迟疑
 »she waited for a beat of three seconds.
4. [informal] . short for beatnik
[非正式] beatnik 的简称
1. [predic.] [informal] completely exhausted
[非正式] 精疲力竭的
 »I'm dead beat.
2. [attrib.] of or relating to the beat generation or its philosophy
• 垮掉的一代的
 »beat poet Allen Ginsberg.
beat about the bush
1. discuss a matter without coming to the point
• 说话绕圈子,不直截了当地说
beat someone at their own game --› see game
beat the bounds
1. (historical)mark parish boundaries by walking round them and striking certain points with rods
[史] 划定教区范围(围绕教区四周行走并用杆插入地面以划定界限)
beat someone's brains out --› see brain
beat one's breast --› see breast
beat the bushes
1. [N. Amer. informal] search thoroughly
[北美,非正式] 仔细搜查
 »I was out beating the bushes for investors to split the risk.
beat the clock
1. perform a task quickly within a fixed time limit
• 赶时间(做某事)
beat the drum for --› see drum
beat the hell out of
[informal 非正式]
1. beat (someone) very severely
• 痛打,狠揍(某人)
2. surpass or defeat easily
• 很容易地超过(或打败)
beat the living daylights out --› see daylight 义项2
beat the pants off
1. [informal] prove to be vastly superior to
[非正式] 远远胜过
beat a path to someone's door
1. (of a large number of people) hasten to make contact with someone regarded as interesting or inspiring
• (大批的人)争先恐后地去接触,纷纷前去找(某人)
beat a (hasty) retreat
1. withdraw, typically in order to avoid something unpleasant
• (对令人不快的事情)避之唯恐不及
beat the shit out of
1. (vulgar slang)beat (someone) very severely
[粗俚] 揍(他)个屁滚尿流
beat the system
1. succeed in finding a means of getting round rules, regulations, or other means of control
• 钻(规章制度等的)空子
beat time
1. indicate or follow a musical tempo with a baton or other means
• 打拍子
beat someone to it
1. succeed in doing something or getting somewhere before someone else, to their annoyance
• 抢先某人一步
if you can't beat them, join them
1. (humorous)if you are unable to outdo rivals in some endeavour, you might as well cooperate with them and thereby possibly gain an advantage
[幽默] 如果无法胜过对手,就与对手合作
miss a beat --› see miss
to beat all ——s
1. infinitely better than all the things of the specified type
• 远远胜过所有的…,最好的
 »a PC screen saver to beat all screen savers.
to beat the band
1. (informal chiefly N. Amer.)in such a way as to surpass all competition
[非正式,主北美] 无比强烈地;十分起劲地;猛烈地
 »they were talking to beat the band.
beatable adjective
1. Old English bēatan, of Germanic origin
beat someone back
1. [常作 be beaten back] force (someone attempting to do something) to retreat
• 迫使…退回,击退,逐回
 »I tried to get in but was beaten back by the flames.
beat down
1. (of the sun) radiate intense heat and brightness
• (太阳)辐射强热和强光
  (of rain) fall hard and continuously
• (雨)不停地倾盆而下
beat something down
1. quell defence or resistance
• 挫败,镇压
  fight to suppress a feeling or emotion
• 抑制(情感)
beat someone down
1. force someone to reduce the price of something
• 迫使(某人)降价,对(某人)砍价
beat off
1. (vulgar slang)(of a man) masturbate
[粗俚] (男人)手淫
beat someone/thing off
1. succeed in resisting an attacker or an attack
• 击退,逐走
  win against a challenge or rival
• 赢得…的挑战,战胜(对手)
beat something out
1. produce a loud, rhythmic sound by striking something
 »he beat out a rhythm on the drums.
2. extinguish flames by striking at them with a suitable object
• 扑灭(火苗)
beat someone up
1. assault and severely injure someone by hitting, kicking, punching them repeatedly
• 痛打,狠揍,重伤(某人)
beat up on someone
1. North American way of saying beat someone up
[北美] beat someone up

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