/ 5bi:7haIv /
◙ noun1. a structure in which bees are kept, typically in the form of a dome or box• 蜂窠,蜂箱 [usu. as modifier] something having the domed shape of a traditional wicker beehive• 穹顶,圆顶 »a beehive hut. 圆顶小屋。 a busy crowded place• 繁忙拥挤的地方 »the church became a beehive of activity. 教堂像蜂窝一样繁忙、拥挤。 (the Beehive)the dome-shaped parliament building in Wellington, New Zealand• (新西兰)惠灵顿议会大厦(因其穹顶而得名) (the Beehive). another term for Praesepe • 同 Praesepe 2. a woman's domed and lacquered hairstyle popular in the 1960s• 蜂窝式发型(盛行于20世纪60年代的女式发型,将头发盘于头顶上,用定型液定型)【派生】
♦ beehived adjective1. [限义项 2]