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belt n.腰带,皮带;(农作物等)地带 v.用带系上

/ belt /

1. a strip of leather or other material worn round the waist or across the chest, especially in order to support or hold in clothes or to carry weapons
• 皮带,腰带;肩带
  short for seat belt
• seat belt 的简称
  a belt worn as a sign of rank or achievement
• (表示级别或成就的)标示带,绶带,荣誉饰带
 »he was awarded the victor's belt.
  a belt of a specified colour, marking the attainment of a particular level in judo, karate, or similar sports
• (柔道、空手道等运动的)段级标示带
 »[as modifier] brown-belt level.
  a person who has reached such a level
• 达到某一段级的人
 »Shaun became a brown belt in judo.
  (the belt)the punishment of being struck with a belt
• 挨皮带抽打(的惩罚)
2. a strip of material used in various technical applications, in particular
• (技术运用中采用的)带状材料,皮带,尤指
  a continuous band of material used in machinery for transferring motion from one wheel to another
• 传动带,皮带
  a conveyor belt
• 传送带,传递带
  a flexible strip carrying machine-gun cartridges
• (机弹的)子弹带,弹链
3. a strip or encircling band of something having a specified nature or composition that is different from its surroundings
• 条形(或环形)地带
 »the asteroid belt.
 »a belt of trees.
4. [informal] a heavy blow
[非正式] 重击,狠打
 »she ran in to administer a good belt with her stick.
verb, [with obj.]
1. [with obj.andadverbial] fasten with a belt
• 用带束紧,系住
 »she paused only to belt a towelling robe about her waist.
 »she belted her raincoat firmly.
  [noobj., with adverbial] be fastened with a belt
• 被用带束紧
 »the jacket belts at the waist.
  attach or secure with a belt
• 用带固定,用带保护
 »he was securely belted into the passenger seat.
2. beat or strike (someone), especially with a belt as a punishment
• (尤指出于惩罚用皮带)抽打,打击(某人)
 »I was belted and sent to my room.
  hit (something) hard
• 猛击,猛撞(某物)
 »he belted the ball downfield.
3. [noobj., with adverbial of direction] [informal] rush or dash in a specified direction
[非正式] (朝特定方向)飞驰,飞奔
 »he belted out of the side door.
  (of rain) fall hard
• (雨)下得很大,倾注
 »the rain belted down on the tin roof.
below the belt
1. unfair or unfairly; disregarding the rules
• 不公正;无视规则
 »she said one of them had to work; Eddie thought that was below the belt.
belt and braces
1. [Brit.] (of a policy or action) using two means to the same end
[英] (政策或行动)双重保险的,稳妥可靠的
tighten one's belt
1. cut one's expenditure; live more frugally
• 减少开支,勒紧裤腰带;省吃俭用
under one's belt
1. safely or satisfactorily achieved, experienced, or acquired
• (安全地或令人满意地)达到(或经历、获得)的
 »he now has almost a year as minister under his belt.
2. (of food or drink) consumed
• (食品或饮料)被消费掉了的,已经下肚的
 »Gus already had a large brandy under his belt.
belted adjective
1. (usu. in sense 1 of the noun)
[一般用于名词义项 1]
1. Old English , of Germanic origin, from Latin balteus 'girdle'
belt something out
1. sing or play a song loudly and forcefully
• 高声而有力地歌唱(或演奏)
belt up
[informal 非正式]
1. [usu. inimperative] be quiet
• 安静!
2. [informal] put on a seat belt
• 系上安全带

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