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bind 绑定

/ baind /

(pastandpast participle bound ), [with obj.]
1. tie or fasten (something) tightly together
• 紧系,紧拴,固定
 »floating bundles of logs bound together with ropes.
 »they bound her hands and feet.
  restrain (someone) by tying their hands and feet
• 捆绑…的手和脚
 »the raider then bound and gagged Mr Glenn.
  wrap (something) tightly
• 紧紧包住(或裹住)
 »her hair was bound up in a towel.
  bandage (a wound)
• 包扎(伤口)
 »Shelley cleaned the wound and bound it up with a clean dressing.
  (be bound with)(of an object) be encircled by something, typically metal bands, so as to have greater strength
• (物品)装有金属箍
 »an ancient oak chest bound with brass braces.
  [Linguistics] (of a rule or set of grammatical conditions) determine the relationship between (coreferential noun phrases)
[语言学] (规则,语法条件)决定(共指名词词组)之间的关系,约束
2. cause (people) to feel that they belong together or form a cohesive group
• 使有归属感,使团结在一起
 »the comradeship that had bound such a disparate bunch of lads together.
  (bind someone to)cause someone to feel strongly attached to (a person or place)
• 使亲近,使依恋,使离不开(某人或某地)
 »touches like that had bound men to him for life.
  cohere or cause to cohere in a single mass
• (使)粘合成一团
 »[with obj.] the trees bind soil and act as a windbreak.
 »[noobj.] clay is made up chiefly of tiny soil particles which bind together tightly.
  cause (ingredients) to cohere by adding another ingredient
• 使(各成分)黏合
 »mix the flour with the coconut and enough egg white to bind them.
  cause (painting pigments) to form a smooth medium by mixing them with oil
• (用油)调和(颜料)
  hold by chemical bonding
• 用化学黏合剂固定
  [noobj.] (bind to)combine with (a substance) through chemical bonding
• 用化学黏合剂与…黏合
3. [formal] impose a legal or contractual obligation on
[正式] 使负法律(或合同)义务
 »a party who signs a document will normally be bound by its terms.
  indenture (someone) as an apprentice
• 订立契约使…做学徒
 »he was bound apprentice at the age of sixteen.
  (bind oneself)[formal] make a contractual or enforceable undertaking
[正式] 立约保证;明确承诺
 »the government cannot bind itself as to the form of subsequent legislation.
  secure (a contract), typically with a sum of money
• (尤指用定金)敲定,获得(合同)
  (be bound by)be hampered or constrained by
• 受…阻碍(或约束)
 »Sarah did not want to be bound by a rigid timetable.
4. fix together and enclose (the pages of a book) in a cover
• 装订(图书)
 »a small, fat volume, bound in red morocco.
5. trim (the edge of a piece of material) with a decorative strip
• 给…镶边
 »a frill with the edges bound in a contrasting colour.
6. [Logic] (of a quantifier) be applied to (a given variable) so that the variable falls within its scope. For example, in an expression of the form ‘For every x, if x is a dog, x is an animal’, the universal quantifier is binding the variable x
[逻] (量词)适用于(给定的变量)
7. (of a food or medicine) make (someone) constipated
• (食物,药品)使便秘
1. [informal] an annoyance
[非正式] 恼怒,不快
 »I know being disturbed on Christmas Day is a bind.
  a problematical situation
• 困境,尴尬的处境
 »he is in a political bind over the abortion issue.
2. [formal] a statutory constraint
[正式] 法律约束
 »the moral bind of the law.
3. [Music] . another term for tie
[乐] tie
4. another term for bine
• 同 bine
bind someone hand and foot
--› see hand
1. Old English bindan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch and German binden, from an Indo-European root shared by Sanskrit bandh
bind off
1. [N. Amer.] cast off in knitting
• 收针
bind someone over
1. [一般作 be bound over] (of a court or law) require someone to fulfil an obligation, typically by paying a sum of money as surety
• (法庭,法律)命某人具结保证
 »he was bound over to keep the peace by magistrates.

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