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bite v.咬,叮n.咬,叮;咬的伤口;一口食物

/ bait /

(past bit ;past participle bitten ), [noobj.]
1. (of a person or animal) use the teeth to cut into something in order to eat
• 咬,啃
 »Rosa bit into a cream cake.
 »[with obj.] he bit a mouthful from the sandwich.
 »the woman's arm was bitten off by an alligator.
  [with obj.] (of an animal or a person) use the teeth in order to inflict injury
• (动物,人)咬伤
 »she had bitten, scratched, and kicked her assailant.
 »[noobj.] it is not unusual for a dog to bite at its owner's hand.
  [with obj.] (of a snake, insect, or spider) wound with a sting, pincers, or fangs
• (蛇)咬,(昆虫,蜘蛛)叮,蜇
 »while on holiday she was bitten by an adder.
  (of an acid) corrode a surface
• (酸)腐蚀
 »chemicals have bitten deep into the stone.
  (of a fish) take the bait or lure on the end of a fishing line into the mouth
• (鱼)吞饵,上钩
  (figurative)(of a person) be persuaded to accept a deal or offer
[喻] (人)上当
 »a hundred or so retailers should bite.
  [with obj.] [informal] annoy or worry
[非正式] 使烦恼,使生气
 »what's biting you today?
2. (of a tool, tyre, boot, etc.) grip or take hold on a surface
• (工具)咬住,(轮胎)抓地,(鞋)着地不滑
 »once on the slab, my boots failed to bite.
  (of an object) press into a part of the body, causing pain
• (物体)刺痛,勒痛
 »the handcuffs bit into his wrists.
  (figurative)cause emotional pain
[喻] 使伤心,使痛苦
 »Cheryl's betrayal had bitten deep.
  (of a policy or situation) take effect, with unpleasant consequences
• (政策,局势)产生不良影响,造成不良后果
 »the cuts in art education were starting to bite.
1. an act of biting into something in order to eat
• 咬,啃
 »Stephen ate a hot dog in three big bites.
  a piece cut off by biting
• 咬下的一块
 »Robyn took a large bite out of her sandwich.
  [informal] a quick snack
[非正式] 三口两口吃下的一顿餐,快餐
 »I plan to stop off in the village and have a bite to eat.
  a small morsel of prepared food, intended to constitute one mouthful
• 供一口吃下的食品,块,丁
 »bacon bites with cheese.
  (figurative)a short piece of information
[喻] 简短的信息。
--› see sound bite
 »snack-sized bites of information.
  a wound inflicted by an animal's or a person's teeth
• 咬伤
 »Percy's dog had given her a nasty bite.
  a wound inflicted by an insect or snake
• (虫的)叮,蜇;(蛇的)咬
 »my legs were covered in mosquito bites.
  an instance of bait being taken by a fish
• 供鱼一次吞下的饵料
 »by four o'clock he still hadn't had a single bite.
  [Dentistry] the bringing together of the teeth in occlusion
[牙] 咬合
  [Dentistry] the imprint of this in a plastic material
[牙] 牙咬合印记
2. a sharp or pungent flavour
• 浓烈的气味,刺激性的气味
 »a fresh, lemony bite.
  [mass noun] incisiveness or cogency of style
• (风格)犀利,入木三分,感染力
 »the tale has added bite if its characters appear to be real.
  a feeling of cold in the air or wind
• (寒冷或寒风引起的)刺痛感,刺骨感
 »by early October there's a bite in the air.
someone's bark is worse than their bite
1. said of someone whose fierce and intimidating manner does not reflect their nature
• 嘴巴狠,心肠软
be bitten by the — bug
1. develop a passionate interest in a specified activity
• 开始迷上,热衷于
 »Joe was badly bitten by the showbiz bug at the age of four.
bite the big one
1. [N. Amer. informal] die
[北美,非正式] 死去,咽气
bite the bullet
1. decide to do something difficult or unpleasant that one has been putting off or hesitating over
• 最终下定决心行动起来
bite the dust
1. [informal] be killed
[非正式] 被杀死
  (figurative)fail; come to an end
[喻] 失败;结束,终止
 »she hoped the new course would not bite the dust for lack of funding.
bite the hand that feeds one
1. deliberately hurt or offend a benefactor
• 恩将仇报
bite someone's head off --› see head
bite one's lip
1. dig one's front teeth into one's lip in embarrassment, grief, or annoyance, or to prevent oneself from saying something
• (因尴尬、悲伤、生气或不愿开口)而紧咬着嘴唇
bite one's nails
1. chew at one's nails as a nervous habit
• (紧张时习惯性地)咬指甲,焦躁不安
bite off more than one can chew
1. take on a commitment one cannot fulfil
• 承担力所不及的事
the biter bitten (或 bit)
1. used to indicate that someone is being treated in the same way as they have treated others, typically badly
• 骗人者遭骗
bite one's tongue
1. make a desperate effort to avoid saying something
• 一言不发,死不开口
 »I had to bite my tongue and accept his explanation.
one could have bitten one's tongue off
1. used to convey that one profoundly and immediately regrets having said something
• 话刚出口就懊悔不已
once bitten, twice shy
1. (proverb)an unpleasant experience induces caution
[谚] 一次吃亏,下次小心;一次被咬,下次胆小
put the bite on
1. [N. Amer. & Austral. informal] borrow or extort money from
[北美,澳,非正式] 向…借(或勒索)钱财
take a bite out of
1. [informal] reduce by a significant amount
• 大幅削减,大量扣除
 »commissions that can take a bite out of your retirement funds.
biter noun
1. Old English bītan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch bijten and German beissen
bite something back
1. refrain with difficulty from saying something, making a sound, or expressing an emotion
• 强忍着不说话(或不发声、不露感情),咽下
 »Melissa bit back a scathing comment.
bite something off
1. cut short an utterance
• 中断(说话),打住(话头)

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