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bitter adj.痛苦的

/ 5bitE /

1. having a sharp, pungent taste or smell; not sweet
• 辛辣的,苦的
 »raw berries have an intensely bitter flavour.
  (of chocolate) dark and unsweetened
• (巧克力)黑色不加糖的
2. feeling or showing anger, hurt, or resentment because of bad experiences or a sense of unjust treatment
• 愤怒的,委屈的,受伤害的,怨恨的
 »I don't feel jealous or bitter.
 »she wept bitter tears of self-reproach.
3. painful or unpleasant to accept or contemplate
• 令人痛苦的,令人不愉快的,难以接受的
 »today's decision has come as a bitter blow.
 »she knew from bitter experience how treacherous such feelings could be.
  (of a conflict, argument, or opponent) full of anger and acrimony
• 怒不可遏的,激烈的,尖酸刻薄的
 »a bitter five-year legal battle.
  (of wind or weather) intensely cold
• (风,天气)凛冽的,刺骨寒冷的
 »a bitter wind blowing from the east.
1. [mass noun] [Brit.] beer that is strongly flavoured with hops and has a bitter taste
[英] 苦啤酒
2. (bitters)[treated as sing.] liquor that is flavoured with the sharp pungent taste of plant extracts and is used as an additive in cocktails or as a medicinal substance to promote appetite or digestion
• 苦精,比特酒,苦味酒
to the bitter end
1. used to indicate that one will continue doing something until it is finished, no matter what. bitts, perhaps influenced by the biblical phrase ‘her end is bitter as wormwood’ [Prov. 5:4]
• 义无反顾,坚持到底
 »the workers would fight to the bitter end.
bitterly adverb
bitterness noun
1. Old English biter, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch and German bitter, and probably to bite

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