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blame vt.责备,怪,怨;把…归咎于 n.责任;责备

/ bleim /

1. [with obj.] assign responsibility for a fault or wrong to (someone or something)
• 认为…应该负责,归咎于,责怪
 »the inquiry blamed the train driver for the accident.
  (blame something on)assign the responsibility for something bad to (someone or something)
• 把…归咎于
 »they blame youth crime on unemployment.
1. [mass noun] responsibility for a fault or wrong
• 过错,罪责
 »his players had to take the blame for the defeat.
 »they are trying to put the blame on us.
  an action of assigning responsibility for a fault
• 责备,归咎
 »he singled out food additives for blame.
be to blame
1. be responsible for a fault or wrong
• 对(过错,罪行)负责
 »he was to blame for their deaths.
I don't (或 can't) blame you (或 her 等)
1. used to indicate that one agrees that the action or attitude taken was reasonable
• 我不会责怪你(或她等),我表示理解
 »he was becoming impatient and I couldn't blame him.
have only oneself to blame
1. be solely responsible for something bad that has happened
• (对不好的事情)负全部责任
blameable adjective
1. [美亦作 blamable]
blameful adjective
1. Middle English : from Old French blamer, blasmer (verb), from a popular Latin variant of ecclesiastical Latin blasphemare 'reproach, revile, blaspheme', from Greek blasphēmein (see blaspheme )

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