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blaze vt.使燃烧 vi.燃烧

/ bleiz /

1. a very large or fiercely burning fire
• 大火,烈火
 »twenty firemen fought the blaze.
  a harsh bright light
• 强光,刺眼的光,炫目的光
 »a lightning flash changed the gentle illumination of the office into a sudden white blaze.
  [insing.] a very bright display of light or colour
• 灿烂的光辉,斑斓的色彩
 »the gardens in summer are a blaze of colour.
  [insing.] (figurative)a conspicuous display or outburst of something
[喻] 引人注目的展示(或呈现);迸发
 »their relationship broke up in a blaze of publicity.
2. (blazes)[informal] used in various expressions of anger, bewilderment, or surprise as a euphemism for ‘hell’
[非正式] [作委婉语,代替hell,表示愤怒、困惑或惊奇]地狱
 »‘Go to blazes!’ he shouted.
 »what the blazes are you all talking about?
verb, [noobj.]
1. burn fiercely or brightly
• 猛烈燃烧,熊熊燃烧
 »the fire blazed merrily.
  shine brightly or powerfully
• 照耀,强烈照射
 »the sun blazed down.
 »Barbara's eyes were blazing with anger.
2. (of a gun or a person firing a gun) fire repeatedly or indiscriminately
• (枪,射击者)连续射击;乱射,狂射,不分青红皂白地射击
 »two terrorists burst into the house with guns blazing.
3. [informal] achieve something in an impressive manner
[非正式] 夺取,摘取
 »she blazed to a gold medal in the 200-metre sprint.
  [with obj.] hit (a ball) with impressive strength
• 大力击(球)
 »he blazed a drive into the rough.
like blazes
1. [informal] very fast or forcefully. sense 2 of the noun
[非正式] 迅速地;狂暴地,激烈地
 »I ran like blazes homewards.
with all guns blazing
1. [informal] with great determination and energy, especially without thought for the consequences
[非正式] 不顾一切地,破釜沉舟地
1. Old English blæse 'torch, bright fire', of Germanic origin; related ultimately to blaze
blaze up
1. blaze up burst into flame
• 熊熊燃烧
 »he attacked the fire with poker and tongs until it blazed up.
  (figurative)suddenly become angry
[喻] 勃然大怒
 »he blazed up without warning.
1. a white spot or stripe on the face of a mammal or bird
• (哺乳动物或鸟脸上的)白斑,白条纹
  a broad white stripe running the length of a horse's face
• (马脸上占脸部全长的)宽白条纹
2. a mark made on a tree by cutting the bark so as to mark a route
• (用作路标的)树皮刻痕
verb, (blaze a trail)
1. mark out a path or route
• 沿路做记号
  (figurative)set an example by being the first to do something; pioneer
[喻] 带头;开拓
 »small firms would set the pace, blazing a trail for others to follow.
1. mid 17th cent.: ultimately of Germanic origin; related to German Blässe 'bläze' and blass 'pale', also to blaze,and probably to blemish
1. [with obj.] (of a newspaper) present or proclaim (news) in a prominent, typically sensational, manner
• (报纸)耸人听闻地报道(新闻);以显著地位报道
1. late Middle English (in the sense 'blow out on a trumpet'): from Middle Low German or Middle Dutch blāzen 'to blow'; related to blow

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