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blind n.百叶窗;窗帘;遮帘

/ blaind /

1. unable to see because of injury, disease, or a congenital condition
• 瞎的,盲的
 »a blind man with a stick.
 »he was blind in one eye.
 »[as plural noun the blind] guide dogs for the blind.
  (of an action, especially a test or experiment) done without being able to see or without being in possession of certain information
• (行动,尤指试验或实验)未掌握一定信息的,盲目的
 »a blind tasting of eight wines.
  [Aeronautics] (of flying) using instruments only
[航天] (飞行)单凭仪表操纵的
 »blind landings during foggy conditions.
2. [predict.] lacking perception or discernment
• 愚钝的,没有眼力的
 »she was ignorant, but not stupid or blind.
  (blind to)unwilling or unable to appreciate or notice (a fact or situation which is apparent to others)
• 视而不见的
 »she was blind to the realities of her position.
  (of an action or state of mind) not controlled by reason or judgement
• (行动或心理状态)不理智的,鲁莽的,盲目的
 »a blind acceptance of conventional opinions.
 »they left in blind panic.
  not governed by purpose
• 无目的的,盲目的
 »moving purposelessly in a world of blind chance.
3. concealed or closed, in particular
• 隐藏的,封闭的,尤指
  (of a corner or bend in a road) impossible to see round
• (角落或道路拐弯处)看不见另一头的
 »two trucks collided on a blind curve in the road.
  (of a door or window) walled up
• (门,窗)被堵死的
  closed at one end
• 一端不通的
 »a blind pipe.
  (of a plant) without buds, eyes, or terminal flowers
• (植物)无芽的,无芽眼的,无顶生花的
4. [attrib.with negative] [informal] the slightest (used in emphatic expressions)
[非正式] 丝毫的,一丁点儿的(表示强调)
 »this declaration is not a blind bit of good to the workers.
verb, [with obj.]
1. cause (someone) to be unable to see, permanently or temporarily
• 使看不见,使失明
 »the injury temporarily blinded him.
 »eyes blinded with tears.
  (of rain) make (a window) difficult or impossible to see through
• (雨水)使(窗子)不透明(或模糊)
2. [一般作 be blinded] deprive (someone) of understanding, judgement, or perception
• 使愚钝,使失去判断力,使没有眼力,蒙蔽
 »Malik was blinded by his faith.
 »somehow Clare and I were blinded to the truth.
  (blind someone with)confuse or overawe someone with something they do not understand
• (用某人所不懂的事)将某人搞糊涂(或将某人吓住)
 »they try to blind you with science.
3. [noobj., with adverbial of direction] [Brit. informal, dated] move very fast and dangerously
[英,非正式,旧] 快速而危险地移动
 »I could see the bombs blinding along above the roof tops.
1. an obstruction to sight or light, in particular
• 遮蔽物,遮光物,尤指
  a screen for a window, especially one on a roller or made of slats
• 窗帘(尤指卷帘或百叶窗)
 »she pulled down the blinds.
  [Brit.] an awning over a shop window
[英] (商店)橱窗遮阳篷
2. [insing.] something designed to conceal one's real intentions
• 借口,障眼物,幌子
 »he phoned again from his own home: that was just a blind for his wife.
  [N. Amer.] a hide, as for example used by hunters
[北美] (猎人等的)埋伏处,伏击处
3. [Brit. informal, dated] a heavy drinking bout
[英,非正式,旧] 酗酒,暴饮
 »he's off on a blind again.
1. without being able to see clearly
• 看不清地
 »he was the first pilot in history to fly blind.
 »wines were tasted blind.
  without having all the relevant information; unprepared
• 不完全了解情况地,盲目地;无准备地
 »he was going into the interview blind.
  (of a stake in poker or brag) put up by a player before the cards dealt are seen
• (扑克或勃莱格牌戏中赌注)在见到所发的牌之前投下的
bake something blind
1. bake a pastry or flan case without a filling
• (糕饼)未加馅心先行烘烤地
(as) blind as a bat
1. [informal] having very bad eyesight
[非正式] 视力极差的,几乎看不见的
blind drunk
1. [informal] extremely drunk
[非正式] 烂醉如泥的
there's none so blind as those who will not see
1. (proverb)there's no point trying to reason with someone who does not want to listen to reason
[谚] 和不讲理的人说理——白搭;无眼不算瞎,有眼不看是真瞎
turn a blind eye
1. pretend not to notice
• 装作没有看见,视而不见
when the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into a ditch
1. (proverb)those people without knowledge or experience should not try to guide or advise others in a similar position
[谚] "瞎子带瞎子,两个掉沟里"(喻没有相关知识或经验就不要指导别人或给别人提建议)
 »I didn't know anything about fighting and neither did my students—it was the blind leading the blind.
blindness noun
1. Old English , of Germanic origin; related to Dutch and German blind

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