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block n.阻塞;障碍物;炮闩

/ blCk /

1. a large solid piece of hard material, especially rock, stone, or wood, typically with flat surfaces on each side
• 大块;大块石板(或木板)
 »a block of marble.
  a sturdy flat-topped piece of wood used as a work surface, typically for chopping food
• 木砧板;工作台面板
  a commercially packaged rectangular portion of solid food, typically butter, ice cream, or chocolate
• 长方形冰淇淋(或黄油、巧克力);长方形包装的食品
 »a family block of ice cream.
  [一般作 blocks] a starting block
• 起跑器
 »Jackson jetted out of his blocks.
  [Printing] a piece of wood or metal engraved for printing on paper or fabric
[印] 木(或金属)印版
  (也作 cylinder block 或 engine block)a large metal moulding containing the cylinders of an internal-combustion engine
• (内燃机的)汽缸缸壳
  a head-shaped mould used for shaping hats or wigs
• 帽模,假发发模
2. (chiefly Brit.)a large single building subdivided into separate rooms, flats, or offices
[主英] 独栋大型建筑物,大厦,大楼
 »an apartment block.
  [with modifier] a building, especially part of a complex, used for a particular purpose
• (尤指建筑群中作特定用途的)房,楼
 »a shower block.
  a group of buildings bounded by four streets
• (由四条街道围成的)街区楼房
 »she went for a run round the block.
  (chiefly N. Amer.)any urban or suburban area so bounded
[主北美] (市区或郊区)由四条街道围成的区域,街区
 »ours was the ugliest house on the block.
  (chiefly N. Amer.)the length of one side of such an area, especially as a measure of distance
[主北美] 街区长度(尤用作距离的度量单位)
 »he lives a few blocks away from the museum.
3. a large quantity or allocation of things regarded as a unit
• (一)大宗,(一)大批
 » a block of shares.
 »final examinations will be taken in a block at the end of the course.
 »[as modifier] a block booking.
  (chiefly Brit.)a set of sheets of paper glued along one edge, used for drawing or writing on
[主英] (一边粘贴在一起供绘画或写字的)一叠纸
 »a sketching block.
  [Computing] a large piece of text processed as a unit
[计算机] 数据块
4. an obstacle to the normal progress or functioning of something
• 障碍,故障
 »substantial demands for time off may constitute a block to career advancement.
 »an emotional block.
  an act of blocking someone or something
• 阻碍,阻止;妨碍
 »Marshall's shot drew a fine block from the goalkeeper.
  a chock for stopping the motion of a wheel
• (防止车轮滚动的)垫块,塞块
  (也作 blockhole)[Cricket] the spot on which a batsman rests the end of the bat while waiting to receive a ball
[板球] (击球手准备接球前将球棒竖立于地时)球棒末端与地面的接触点
5. a flat area of something, especially a solid area of colour
• (物体的)平面;纯色色块
 »cover the eyelid with a neutral block of colour.
  [Austral./NZ] an area of land, in particular a tract offered to an individual settler by a government
[澳/新西兰] (尤指政府给移民个人的)一块土地
  [Austral./NZ] an urban or suburban building plot
[澳/新西兰] (市区或郊区的)建筑地块
6. a pulley or system of pulleys mounted in a case
• 滑轮,滑轮组
verb, [with obj.]
1. make the movement or flow in (a passage, pipe, road, etc.) difficult or impossible
• 堵塞,阻塞
 » block up the holes with sticky tape.
 »the narrow roads were blocked by cars.
 »[as adj. blocked] a blocked nose.
  put an obstacle in the way of (something proposed or attempted)
• 阻挠,妨碍(提议,企图)
 »he stood up, blocking her escape.
 »the government tried to block an agreement on farm subsidies.
  restrict the use or conversion of (currency or any other asset)
• 限制使用(或兑换)(货币,资产),冻结
  [American Football] impede the progress of (a tackler) with one's body
[美橄] 阻挡
  (in martial arts or soccer) stop (a blow or ball) from finding its mark
• (武术用语)挡格;(足球用语)拦截
 »Pears did well to block Soloman's shot.
  [Cricket] stop (a ball) with the bat defensively
[板球] 用球棒挡(球)
  [Bridge] play in such a way that opponents are prevented from establishing (a long suit)
[桥牌] 阻塞,封锁
2. impress text or a design on (a book cover)
• (将文字或图案)压印在(书籍封面上)
3. shape or reshape (a hat) using a wooden mould
• 用木模给(帽子)定型
have been around the block (a few times)
1. [N. Amer. informal] (of a person) have a lot of experience
[北美,非正式] 见多识广,经验丰富
the new kid on the block
1. [informal] a newcomer to a particular place or sphere of an activity, especially one who has yet to prove themselves
[非正式] 新来的人,新成员,新手
on the (auction) block
1. (chiefly N.Amer.)for sale at auction
[主北美] 待拍卖中
 »the original first manuscript for Ravel's Bolero goes on the block today.
put (或 lay) one's head (或 neck) on the block
1. [informal] put one's standing or reputation at risk by proceeding with a particular course of action
[非正式] 铤而走险
blocky adjective blockier, blockiest
1. Middle English (denoting a log or tree stump): from Old French bloc (noun), bloquer (verb), from Middle Dutch blok, of unknown ultimate origin
block something in
1. paint something with solid areas of colour
• 给…画上纯色色块
2. add something in a unit
• 添加,插进
 »it's a good idea to block in regular periods of exercise.
3. mark something out roughly
• 大致标出,画出…的草图
4. park one's car in such a way as to prevent another car from moving away
• 停车时堵住(其他车辆)
 »he blocked in Vera's Mini.
block something out
1. stop something, typically light or noise, from reaching somewhere
• 隔断,挡住(某物,尤指光线或声音)
 »you're blocking out my sun.
2. (figurative)exclude something unpleasant from one's thoughts or memory
[喻] 从头脑(或记忆)中抹去(不快之事),忘却
3. mark or sketch something out roughly
• 大致标出,画出…的草图

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