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blue a.伤心的;下流的

/ blu: /

(bluer, bluest)
1. of a colour intermediate between green and violet, as of the sky or sea on a sunny day
• 蓝色的,天蓝的,蔚蓝的
 »the clear blue sky.
 »blue jeans.
 »deep blue eyes.
  (of a person's skin) having or turning such a colour, especially as a result of cold or breathing difficulties
• (因寒冷或呼吸困难而使皮肤呈)青紫色的,青灰的
 »Ashley went blue and I panicked.
  (of a bird or other animal) having blue markings
• (鸟等动物)有蓝色条纹的
 »a blue jay.
  (of a cat, fox, or rabbit) having fur of a smoky grey colour
• (猫,狐狸,兔子)毛色青灰的
 »the blue fox.
  (of a ski run) of the second-lowest level of difficulty, as indicated by coloured markers positioned along it
• (滑雪雪道)有蓝色条记的(指滑雪难度属最低级上面一级的)
  [Physics] denoting one of three colours of quark
[物理] (夸克颜色)蓝色的
2. [informal] (of a person or mood) melancholy, sad, or depressed
[非正式] (人,情绪)悲伤的,沮丧的
 »he's feeling blue.
3. [informal] (of a film, joke, or story) with sexual or pornographic content
[非正式] (电影,笑话,故事)色情的,黄色的,淫秽的
 »a blue movie.
4. [Brit. informal] politically conservative
[英,非正式] (政治上)保守的,守旧的
 »the successful blue candidate.
noun, (也作 Blue)[usu. with modifier]
1. [mass noun] blue colour or pigment
• 蓝色,蓝颜料
 »she was dressed in blue.
 »the dark blue of his eyes.
 »[count noun] armchairs in pastel blues and greens.
  blue clothes or material
• 蓝色服装,蓝色衣料
 »Susan wore blue.
2. a blue thing, in particular
• 蓝色物品,尤指
  a blue ball, piece, etc. in a game or sport
• (比赛或体育中)蓝色球,蓝色物件
  the blue ball in snooker
• (斯努克中的)蓝色球
  (the blue)(poetic/literary)the sky or sea, or the unknown
[诗/文] 天空;大海;未知世界
 »far out upon the blue were many sails.
  another term for bluing
• 同 bluing
3. [usu. with modifier] a small butterfly, the male of which is predominantly blue while the female is typically brown
• 蓝灰蝶
4. Numerous genera in the family Lycaenidae
• 灰蝶科,众多属
5. [Brit.] a person who has represented Cambridge University (a Cambridge blue) or Oxford University (an Oxford blue) in a particular sport
[英] 代表剑桥(或牛津)大学的运动员
 »a flyweight boxing blue.
  a distinction awarded to such a person
• 剑桥(或牛津)大学校队运动员的荣誉
 »a centre forward who won a rugby blue.
6. [Austral./NZ informal] an argument or fight
[澳/新西兰,非正式] 争论,斗殴
7. [Austral./NZ informal] a mistake
[澳/新西兰,非正式] 错误,纰漏
8. [Austral./NZ informal] a nickname for a red-headed person
[澳/新西兰,非正式] 红头发者
(blues, blued, bluing 或 blueing)
1. make or become blue
• (使)变成蓝色
 »[with obj.] the light dims, bluing the retina.
 »[noobj.] the day would haze, the air bluing with afternoon.
  [with obj.] heat (metal) so as to give it a greyish-blue finish
• (通过烧制)给(金属)烤蓝,发蓝
 »[as adj. blued] nickel-plated or blued hooks.
2. [with obj.] (chiefly historical)wash (white clothes) with bluing
[主史] 用蓝色漂白剂洗(白色衣服)
do something until (或 till) one is blue in the face
1. [informal] put all one's efforts into doing something to no avail
• 累死累活白干一场,忙得脸色发紫
 »she could talk to him until she was blue in the face, but he was just not hearing.
once in a blue moon
1. [informal] very rarely
[非正式] 难得有一次,极为罕见
out of the blue
1. (或 out of a clear blue sky)[informal] without warning; unexpectedly
[非正式] 出乎意外地,突然
 »she phoned me out of the blue.
scream (或 yell) blue murder --› see murder
talk a blue streak
1. [N. Amer. informal] speak continuously and at great length
[北美,非正式] 喋喋不休,没完没了地说,说个不停
blueness noun
1. Middle English : from Old French bleu, ultimately of Germanic origin and related to Old English blǣwen 'blue' and Old Norse blár 'dark blue' (see also blaeberry )
(blues, blued, bluing 或 blueing)
1. [Brit. informal, dated] squander or recklessly spend (money)
[英,非正式,旧] 挥霍(钱财)
1. mid 19th cent.: perhaps a variant of blow

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